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Name Dru

monster form

Height  unimaginably tall reason as to why it is so tall is because According to Algonquian myth, once a Wendigo eats another person, it grows directly in proportion to the person it just consumed, making it impossible for it to ever be full

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Height  unimaginably tall reason as to why it is so tall is because According to Algonquian myth, once a Wendigo eats another person, it grows directly in proportion to the person it just consumed, making it impossible for it to ever be full. It is the embodiment of gluttony, constantly consuming yet never satisfied, always on the brink of starvation. can control how tall he can be.

Powers: A supernatural being, the Wendigo has immense power such as strength, speed, endurance, and extremely heightened senses used for hunting its prey. Immune to the cold, the Wendigo traverses the tundra seeking out its prey. A master hunter, it can even mimic human voices to lure travelers into thinking someone is in trouble. As the Wendigo gets older, its animistic terror is over shadowed by its mastery in the dark arts. Being able to possess its victims the Wendigo is able control the body and mind causing them to go insane and run into the wilderness where some believe are lead to be eaten by the creature.

Strength according to the lore, the longer a Wendigo walks the earth, the stronger its powers become. The savage creature can eventually gain the ability to control the weather and to call upon darkness before sunset.

The Wendigo also gains the ability to manipulate other creatures of the forest, it can summon predators and force them to attack on command.

Its speed and strength also grow with age, as does its ability to heal.

That being said 

Age 8770 years old

According to legend, it's nearly impossible to escape a wendigo. Hunters by nature, wendigoes are extremely fast and allow nothing to get in the way of their never-ending hunger. Even if you could escape physical damage (which is unlikely), the very fact that you'd encountered an otherworldly wendigo would leave you mentally vacant. Wendigoes hibernate for months or years but woe betide when they awaken.

Wendigoes can stealthily stalk victims for extended periods, thanks to supernatural speed, endurance and heightened senses such as hearing so profound they can pick up on panicked heartbeats from miles away. This skill comes in quite handy in the woods, no doubt.

Once the chase begins, wendigoes engage in a torturous game. They bait their prey, release shrieks or growls, and sometimes mimic human voices calling for help. When the hunt begins in earnest, a wendigo becomes all business. It will race after its prey, upending trees, creating animal stampedes (and thus more famine), and stirring up ice storms and tornadoes.

Don't be fooled into believing you're safe indoors. The wendigo can unlock door and enter homes, where it will kill and eats the inhabitants before converting the cabins into wendigo domiciles for hibernation.

If you can't outrun a wendigo, can you outgun it? Not easily. A wounded wendigo simply regenerates. The trick is to employ silver bullets, or a pure silver blade or stake, and strike right through the wendigo's ice-cold heart. (Note: It's widely believed a silver-covered steel blade could work if you're in a pinch.)

Upon wounding the wendigo's heart, you must take care to shatter it into pieces, then lock the shattered heart in a silver box and bury it in a church cemetery.

Not one to seek a simple end, the rest of the wendigo must be dismembered with a silver-plated axe so you can salt and burn the body, and then scatter its ashes to the winds. Or, as a second option, bury the pieces in a remote location

Skip a step and the wendigo may be able to resurrect itself, hunt you down, and inflict a slow and agonizing death

Human looks

will be insanely strong due to his age can not be hurt may act injury to blend in or to trick his prey and will also be insanely smart

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will be insanely strong due to his age can not be hurt may act injury to blend in or to trick his prey and will also be insanely smart

he will also be able to tell the species of other monsters and smell humans. 

likes human flesh, Yukari Sendo, Ruby Tojo, being alone, Mysterious Bat, quiet places

Friends with Genie since he was a kid (Genie not Dru encase some people didn't understand)

dislikes outer moka Akashiya, loud noises, not being able to eat

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