24. Parental Guidance

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** Becky Pov **

Were are going to our doctor appointment today. Matt fired me when we came back to California.

He informed me when we were sleeping.

The house is empty I've become a stay home wife.

I fixed my long sundress.

This all have been wearing nowadays, yoga pants, long dresses nothing fits me anymore.

But matt calls me every second to make sure I'm okay.

His very protective.

My phone buzzed.

"Matt, you're supposed to be working" I already knew who it was.

"I want to check on you and the baby is that a crime love," he says.

"No, it's not, babe" I giggled. I rubbed my 6months belly bump. We had attended many doctor's appointments these past months. Matt and I decided not to know the sex of the baby until is born.

"I will be home in an hour, babe" I added.

"Okay, see then," I said replied before hanging up. I glance at the clock it's already 6 in the evening.

I just had a big dinner cooked salmon with brown rice mixed with colored jalapeños (not spicy). Did I mention that everything tasted better with ketchup and mustards?

These past few months have been crazy. I literally ate everything in sight. Most of the foods I craved. I don't know why I craved them I just did. After I finished eating them I began to cry for no reason. My mood swings were over the top madness.

Yesterday I yelled at matt for not handing me the strawberries that I left on the dining table and I was already sitting in the living room. I didn't feel like getting up.

I know he doesn't like it when I boss him around. But overall he has been supportive of my needs. He does everything I ask him to do.

I decided to make myself a quick snack. Greek yogurt, crushed granola bars, and two fibers one bar, vitamins, and water. I made matt dinner Paleo spaghetti and placed in the dining room.

I watched a couple pregnancy videos dos & don'ts. Then I did a few exercise from the videos.

Of course! I do know that I will continue to gain a lot of weights even after the baby is born. Right now, I looked like a whale. But over the months.

I really made peace with how my body looked the stretch marks, swollen feet, widely hips. I've accepted that I'm changing the cause of the baby. I feel good about it. But I still want to keep a nice physique. Matt loves my pregnancy body and he doesn't mind whether I lost all the baby weight or not.

I also read all the books the doctors suggested we buy.

Matt bought every single one at the bookstore on becoming a parent. I felt asleep for a few hours until matt returns home.

** Matt Pov **

"Alright, Rachel. I will see you tomorrow" I closed my office and gave Rachel my documents.

"Tell, Becky, I said hey" Rachel calls out as I left the building.

"Will do" I replied. I got in the car and called my wife. She didn't answer the phone. It went straight to voicemail.

I drove even faster.

Why she's not picking up?!

15 minutes after I rushed out of my car and entered my home.

Oh god, let her be okay.

"Becky, sweetheart. Where are you?!" I searched the house. I found her on the couch with her head tilted on the side.

Thank God.

"Becky, Becky. Wake up love" I shook her shoulders. She didn't budge. I got a little worry.

"Becky, wake up. Please" my voice cracks. She still didn't move.

God, don't take her away from me.

"Babe, please" I shake her one last time.

"Mmm..matt? You're here?" she asks sleepily.

Thank god!

"I'm here love. Please, don't sleep on the couch I don't want you to break your neck." I lift her off the couch and carried her our bedroom.

"And you think it's safe to carry me while I'm 6months pregnant? What if you drop me, matt" she questions.

"I'm not going to drop you" I smirk.

"You might. I'm really really heavy you know that" she sniffles.

"You're not that heavy, sweetheart" I sighed. She has been saying things about her body image a lot these past few months. It's common for a woman body to change during pregnancy.

I've tried to convince her that she looks beautiful either way. But she fully not convinced.

"I love your new body. You're hips, stretch marks, thick thighs and if I could I would show you how much I admire these new things about you" I let her down on her feet.

I wiped her tears from her cheeks and open our bedroom door. We both got inside.

I grabbed her pregnancy pillow while she sat on the corner of the bed.

I placed the pillow on the middle of our bed and walked back to her.

"Do you really mean that?" She wipes her tears.

"Every word" I kneeled down to massage her feet with.

She scoots further up on the bed she laid on top where I placed her the middle of it on top of her pillow. I joined her and kept massage her feet.

"Mmm....that feels good. Keep going" she encouraged.

I went further up thighs. She didn't disapprove.

"I can stop. if you want me too." I asked cautiously. We stopped making love after the baby began to show. To prevent problems.

"No, I want you too" she answers. I glimpse up her blue sundress. The way it hugged her womanly curves. I tried to concentrate on massaging her legs but I couldn't. I groaned. I got off the bed kissed her goodbye.

"I'm going back downstairs to eat dinner, then I'm heading to the store. Do you need anything love" I asked before I left.

"U-um, were out of strawberries, ice creams, mayo, avocados. Please here back" she responses.

I nodded and closed the door. I went downstairs to the dining room. I found the dinner she made me. I heat it up until my food well heated and put on the TV watched the NBA game Clippers vs. Celtic.

After I was done eating. I put my plate in the sink and I took my keys to drive to the nearest store I could find. I bought everything and extra snacks in case she needs them. I drove back home. I climbed back upstairs to the bedroom. She was still asleep.

I did a prayer and got on the bed. I tried to cuddle with her but the pregnancy pillow was uncomfortable for me.

I sighed and moved to my right of the bed.

Wow! I'm being replaced by the pillow.

"Babe, you forget something" she mumbles in her sleep.

She can't be serious.

"Sweetheart, I bought everything you've asked--" I began to say.

"No, not the groceries, baby. You forgot this" turns to my side and kissed me. We kissed a little longer then let out for a breather. She wraps herself around my waist. I rub her belly bump and spoke to my unborn baby.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!! VOTE VOTE!! I can't feel my hands:(( kidding!! Any question, thoughts, feel free to leave a comment down below! Check out my stories on my page! Okay bye;))Vote comment share!!

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