Chapter 15

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Matt's POV

Now, more than half of the orphanage was repainted, and the boys and girls rooms redone.

With the time ticking, we had to cut down on the amount of effort we put in improving the semi-aged structure.

Isaiah interviewed many possible buyers and everyone kept their fingers crossed for someone to accept the offer.

Our fair was set for two weeks from then, so that remained our primary focus. In the case of relocation, there was an enormous community centre and home, half an hour away from where we stood. They were in the process of moving, and it would be sold at the price of 650K.

We hoped that with the money the orphanage already had in it's name, added with what we earned, it would be ours.

A few days ago, flyers were printed and ticket sales commenced.

“We'll save the magician for a later time.”

I summarised everything concerning the fundraiser for Doe. She had helped another volunteer design the flyers, but there was still alot to be confirmed.

Her and I were seated in the small dining area, very early that morning.

“It's smart business,” I continued, “Telling people to hang around for a special guest at the end.”

Last night, Doe fell asleep in a somewhat strange mood after our time in the park. I had watched her for a long time twisting and turning, waking up to check her phone and lingering. That morning, she seemed to be feeling better as she quietly crunched on a piece of toast.

“Okay cool,” she responded between chews, “...Can I ask you something?”

“I -” I hesitated, “Um...sure.”

“Do you guys only cover...well, necessities?”

I nearly dropped my mug. What on Earth could Doe have possibly meant? It took approximately more than four thousand a year to maintain each child in an orphanage. Specifically those over thirteen years of age.

After I enlightened Doe, she simply nodded and said 'okay'.

“What?” I asked, leaning back on the chair, “Seriously.”

She sighed, then explained innocently, “I just...think that you guys should put aside a sum of money for each child... personally. If you haven't already. Like an allowance.”

I looked at her thoughtfully for a second as she stared back, “We have eleven orphans who will be eighteen, or older, in the next three years. Some sooner. We're doing that for them.

Doe still went on to share about her experience with Ava, and how the orphans weren't really provided with everything they wanted. She held the strong opinion that they wished for more personalised items, especially the girls. But that's not what all this was about.

“You mean like cosmetics?” I scratched my throat, “And on a scale from one to important is that?”

She shook her head, going silent.

“But...possible families do exist. And they can be interviewed once we move,” I paused, “The orphanage will give eight hundred a month to the household to help look after the kid.”

That was definitely a mouthful.

“...And they've extended that to kids whose parents aren't financially stable...” I brought my voice to a whisper, “Like Ava's.”

Doe's eyes widened at my last two words.

Reasoning that I had said enough, I straightened my posture.

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