Till the end of our days

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- Your pov-

It's been a month since I left the world of Game of Thrones.

My parents came to pick me up, and bring me back home. But I don't want to leave my Gram Gram. I didn't want to leave the place that made me feel closer to Jojen.

When they first saw me, Dad went on a rampage and wanted to find out who got me pregnant. And Mom, she wanted me to give it up.

I immediately started screaming at my Mom, telling her that I wanted this baby. She thought that I was kidnapped and. . . . Forced against my will. That I wasn't thinking clearly.

I then told her that I had ran away. That I wasn't kidnapped. And that I had gotten married, and that I wasn't going to give up the baby.

Dad wanted to know who my husband was and why he wasn't with me. So I told them a lie.

I told them that Jo was missing, that he was in a accident and no one has found him.

To tell the truth, my parents didn't really care what I said. They thought that they were right, and that I was kidnapped and stuff.

I couldn't handle it, and told them to leave. That if they weren't going to support and believe me, then they weren't aloud to be in my life.

Call me over dramatic and harsh, I don't care. I'm pregnant, and it's been a mounth since I've seen my husband. And I refuse to have someone in my life telling me that everything that happened was all lies. That my husband forced me, and that I wasn't in love with him.

Let me just say, that's a lot of bullshit.

"YN! Your parents are here again!" Gram Gram yells.

I sigh and stand up, with the help of the wall next to the chair.

I slowly waddle to the front door and make sure the chain was locked still. I open the door and peek through the crack.

"What do you want?" I ask.

My mother looks at me with tears in her eyes, and my Father, he looks like he's trying not to glare at me.

"We want to come in and talk." He says.

I lean against the door frame and sigh.

"You don't need to come in and talk. You can tell me right here." I say.

"Pl-please YN. Le-let us in." My mother sobs out.

I feel bad seeing my mother cry, but I hold strong and shake my head.

"What you want to say can be said right here. So say it, or I'm shutting the door." I say.

My father looks down at Mom and then sighs before looking at me.

"We want to say sorry. We shouldn't have acted like that, we could have handled that better." He says.

I nod and cross my arms. "Your right. You shouldn't have acted like that. But I almost understand. But that doesn't mean I forgive you, or am going to allow you to come in."

He sighs and glares at me lightly. "Come on YN. Just let us in. Stop acting like this."

I roll my eyes and uncross my arms. "Look, I've been through a lot. I've lost my husband, and my parents yell at me, telling me to get rid of my only connection to my husband. Tell me, would you forgive someone if they said that to you whenever I was going to be born?" I ask.

Mom starts sobbing into Dad's chest and he comforts her.

"YN....We're sorry!" Mom crys.

I shake my head. "I -  I can't forgive you that easily. What you said......that hurt me. A lot. Especially since it came from you. It's going to take a lot of time for me to start forgiving you."

My dad starts tearing up and I look down.

"But, your apology is a start." I say before shutting the door.

-Jojen pov-

"Look, there!"

We all turn to see the tree, where the Three-eyed Raven was.

I look down slightly, and see the frozen ground covered in snow. And underneath it, White Walkers.

I gulp, 'The end is near.....for me at least '

"Come on Jojen!" Meera says as she and Hodor help Bran get down towards the entrance to the home of the Three-eyed Raven.

I use my large stick to help me climb down and walk with Meera and the rest. Snow staying by my side constantly and waits for me to catch up.

I walk like normal, waiting for the hand to grab me. And just like my dream, it tripped me.

I let out a yelp as I face plant into the cold ground. Snow bites off the hand, as I flip onto my back.

Hands come out of the ground, which is soon led to body's coming out of the ground. Meera and Hodor fight them, Bran warging into Hodor. I pretend to struggle with getting up as the upper half of a body is sent in my direction.

I hear Snow yelp in pain as she gets hurt, but my attention turns to the White Walker that was crawling towards me.

I gulp and hold my breath as it grabs it's knife, and pain shoots through my body.

I hear Meera scream my name and I start to black out. The last thing I feel is Meera holding me in her lap, and her tears falling onto my face.

And then it goes black.

~Magical Time Skip~

I feel a warm breeze on my cheek, and I hear the soft whine of a dog.

I slowly open my eyes and see green leaves and red trees. I hear the whine again and feel a poke in my side. I slowly sit up and see Snow sitting next to me. I smile and pet her head, before I look around.

I frown and slowly stand up as I see something in the distance. Snow stands up with me, before she goes running off.

My eyes widen and I go running after her. "Wait! Snow! Stop!"

I see that she was running towards what seems to be a house. She stops at the door, barking at it. That's when I notice that she's smaller than she was before.

I grab her just as the door opens and I see an old lady.

"Oh. Hello!" She says.

"I'm so sorry, Snow just started running here and- Snow stop!" I yell as she goes running into the house.

"Oh my!" The old lady says.

I mutter apologies as she lets me in to get Snow. I follow Snow as she rubs up stares, ignoring the items she had knocked down.

I manage to see Snow running into a room and hear a yelp of surprise. I rush toward the room, completely out of breath from running. I step into the room, slaming the door open.

"I'm so sorry Miss-"

My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat.


"YN." I mutter as my eyes take her in.


Later ya players.

Falling for You {Jojen Reed x reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن