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The whole coming week was uncomfortable because I was still mad at Larson for laughing at me when I fell and my butt was on full display. He still hasn't apologized and I had barely spoken to him. He knew I was giving him the silent treatment, but he clearly didn't care. I guess if I was quiet, he wouldn't have to worry about me. Brady was home too most of the day when he wasn't the gym working out or practicing football with his friends. I didn't mind that he was out a lot - I was mad at him too. The day of the pool incident, he came home and teased me about what had happened, not letting it go and calling me "Bare Butt Brenna".  Jace chided him but Jace wasn't home during the weekdays until dinner time; it was just me, Brady, and Larson for the rest of the time. And Larson didn't care what Brady did or said to me.

Friday came around and I was excited because that meant the weekend was almost here and Jace and Charlie would be home all weekend and I would be able to talk to people I liked. I stayed up in my room all morning, not wanting to be teased by Brady, but around noon, my belly started to grumble. I put on Jace's sweatshirt he lent me the other day and I skipped down the stairs. Brady and Larson were in the living room whispering to each other in low voices. They hadn't seen me up yet so I decided to be quiet and sneak next to the living room entrance to be able to listen to what they were saying.

Larson was talking first. "Yeah and dude, I can sell one pill for like 30 bucks. I have probably like 35 extra pills that I grabbed. That's like more than 600 bucks!"

"You better hope they don't notice, Larson. Or at least that they don't know it's you who took them." Brady's voice seemed nervous which was surprising because he always walked into every room like he owned it. I had never really seen him nervous before.

"They won't. And I'll sell them before they can ask any questions," Larson replied simply. I didn't know much about drugs but I was 99% sure that selling prescriptions were illegal.

"Just make sure you sell them to the right people," Brady replied. He's 16, what does he know about selling pills?

"I know, Brady, I'm not an amateur like you," Larson replied, standing up from the couch and starting to walk out of the room. I ducked away from the entrance to the living room and tiptoed into the kitchen so that they wouldn't know I was listening.

I grabbed some yogurt from the refrigerator and pulled myself up on a barstool at the counter. As I took a scoop, Brady and Larson came into the kitchen. "Thought you might've died, Brenna," Brady spoke.

I barely raised my eyes from my yogurt in acknowledgment. "Are you a mute now?" It was Larson's turn to talk. I ignored him too. Suddenly, I felt two hands grab my waist and pick me up from my seat.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"Oh look, it talks," Larson spoke, putting me on the ground. I climbed back on the chair and kept eating. "Brenna."

"What?" I barely looked at him.

"Me and Brady are going out to get lunch, so you need to be on your best behavior, okay?" Larson grabbed his wallet and keys from the kitchen counter and stuffed them in his pants pocket.

"You're leaving me here alone?" I asked.

"Yeah," Brady answered for Larson.

"But I want lunch too," I complained. Jace told them I wasn't old enough to stay home alone, but here they were going to lunch without me.

"You're already eating, B," Larson responded. "You don't need more food."

"It's just yogurt, Larson," I retorted. "I wanna come."

the spade brothers' little sisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora