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Kate and I spent the morning with Andrew walking around the grounds, and frankly it was interesting and fun.

After taking a tour of the school, which I was so impressed with, and all the kids who ran into Kate seemed welcoming and kind.  I was worried if being human would be a problem, but turns out they all start out human until their bodies are fully developed.  Once their human body is finished growing, then their wolf wakes up and they shift.

I learned a bit more about werewolves. How they came to be, and how they have adapted to modern society.  Pack structure and why being an alpha isn't just about power.  It's about being the strongest wolf to be able to protect his pack, a need in his veins to want to take care of his pack, and ensure the best for them all.  This softened my view of Issac.  He may be grumpy and scary at times, but turns out, he's a big softy for his people. 

He also told me about Issacs construction company.  He made it so that all his wolves have an opportunity to be employed, no one questions why they are so strong.  And because of its success, he is able to pay for members of the pack to go to university if needed, or any other financial help they need.  I was fascinated that they have essentially built up their own town, within the current human one.  They have their own doctors, lawyers, teachers.  Even members in the police force, in case a supernatural case needs managing.  I was fascinated, and in awe of what Issac had achived here.  

He explained about the packhouse.  Once a werewolf reaches of age, they shift for the first time.  This is when they move into the packhouse, to learn control, and establish their position in the pack and what they wish to do going forward.   Most unmarried wolves prefer to stay at the house.  They are social creatures after all.  But the ones who are married and have children tend to move into their own homes, but close by.  The whole pack goes on a run together every New Moon.  He explained that they use the black of night to conceal their identity.  They also break into groups, and Issac will run with each group in turn as the pack is on the larger side.   They use the magic of the Full moon to have like a family gathering where they meet at the house, food, drink and good company.

It sounded all so.  Civil.  And loving.  They really take care of their own, and its like a massive family.  I was really warming up to being here.   

What we have just finished discussing about the company is how Issac is expanding.  He is working in collaboration with a neighbouring alpha.  A hungry wolf is a dangerous wolf, to themselves and everyone around them.  By opening the company there, that pack will be able to build up the same amenities for its pack.  I thought it was really noble of Issac, to extend his concern to other packs.  And thats what lead us here.

Im standing in a magnificent home thats half finished.  Its a single story, six bedroom home.  The outside has been made to look sleek and modern, with wood, dark grey paneling, and large windows everywhere.  The inside is just as beautiful.  The stairs going up have a glass banister, there's a wood burning stove in the living room that is designed to heat the entire home.  Three of the bedrooms have ensuites, the flooring is ash wood.  And the kitchen is all white marble.

I busy myself setting up each room to photograph.  Kate and Issac are playing hide and seek, but frankly they sound like a heard of elephants running around.  I smile.  Its actually nice to have a friend like him.  Younger me would have been drooling over him.  He stands at around 6"2, with a sculpted clearly goes to the gym a lot body.  He has thick eyebrows, chocolate eyes, and a square jaw.  His 5 o'clock shadow has now been trimmed to look taken care of, and softens his look, though adding an air of all male. He has tufts of hair poking out the top of his button down shirt, which stand out against his tanned skin.

Frankly, he is gorgeous.  And like most men I meet I feel no twinges of attraction.  Which makes it easier to build up a friendship with him.  Its actually like having a big brother around.  He says I will get to meet his parents and little brother sometime later this month at the social, and that explains why he is so good at being with Kate.  

I focus on setting up the last room, when Issac walks through the door.  My mouth goes dry looking at him.  He fills the door with his wide build, standing at 6"4, dressed in a dark grey fitted suite with a black shirt, where the sleeves have been rolled up, the top two buttons undone.  

"I'd like to take a bite out of his ass."

Stop that! It would be unwise to get involved with anyone right now when the future is so uncertain.  Plus, he rules the pack.  The last person we would want to be involved with is someone with that kind of responsibility and power.  That just spells out disaster.  Work on squashing those hormones. 

"The strongest is meant to be the best for us."

I disagree.  We are plenty strong on our own.  We don't need anyone taking care of us or providing for us.  IF we get involved with someone in the future, it will be because of who they are.  Kind, caring, and gets us.

"I think you are wrong."   

She then floods my mind with some very compromising images of Issac and I right now in this room.  I sigh.  She's as stubborn and headstrong as me.  Oh god, is this what its like to argue with me?  Its frankly frustrating.  Now.  During this encounter, I have been openly staring at Issac making no attempt to greet him, because I am having an argument with myself.

By the time I register he's in front of me talking to me, I jump in surprise, hitting my back to the kitchen counter.

"I reckon you were just having an argument with your wolf there."

"What gave it away?"

"The fact you are not used to it, so were unable to talk to me and her.   Thats something we will work on over time, so that when you are out and about you won't raise suspicion.  So, tell me.  What does your little fox have to say?"

"Stop calling us that.  I am not a fox.  I am a wolf.  And nearly your size for that matter.  Bet I could even give him a run for his money with a bit of training!"

I chuckle. "Well, that pet name really irks her.  To the point she is wanting to show you how strong she really is."

Issac quickly speeds forward, his hands on either side of me on the counter.  His body not quite touching mine, but god I can feel the heat radiating from him.  He smells amazing, his natural scent with a musk of all man.  The yellow in his eyes a little more prominent than usual.  And up this close, I can see a scar running through his right eyebrow I hadn't noticed before.  He leans down, and his husky voice practically caresses me.

"Careful little fox.  I don't take kindly to challenges.  Unless they are, of the extra curricular kind."

"Nope.  That was all her.  Not me.  You asked!"  Where I wanted it to come out assertive, my voice comes out breathy, and strained.   

"Mmmm... I could be persuaded to help train you.  That way I could... keep a close eye on you.  Keep her knowing her place.  Where you submit to me again."

Oh.  That snapped me right out of my daze.  "Oh I won't be submitting to you, of all the arrogant..."

Issac cuts me off while chuckling and shaking his head slightly.

"My little fox.  I think I am going to insist on training you now.  My wolf is furious.  Which makes me..."

He puts his fingers on my chin, angling my face away from him, and he takes a deep smell of my neck. "restless.  You have caught my attention little fox.  You are different.  And I intend to find out just how different."

He lingers over me for a moment.  He hesitates as his eyes flick to my lips and back.  I am stunned into inaction, observing him like a third party.

"Ahem"   Andrew is standing in the kitchen doorway, looking between us, with smirk.

Issac, looks at me for a second longer, then steps back giving me the much needed oxygen I needed. My attraction to this man is unnerving, and something I am going to need to get control of if I am going to be training with him.

"When you get back, show Roxy the training grounds.  Kate will join the others her age for the Monday, Wednesday and Friday sessions.  Roxy will be there tomorrow at 5am.  I'll be training her personally."

"Yes Alpha"

Andrew and Issac walk off talking about something to do with an upcoming launch.  I busy myself packing up my equipment, while Kate tells me about how excited she is about starting school tomorrow.   I am pleased for her.   Me on the otherhand.   Not sure what's in store for me tomorrow morning.   Gulp.

A New Sensation - Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant