Chapter 2

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Collette basically looks like this. 

   Running away from home takes a lot of planning

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   Running away from home takes a lot of planning. I decided I would run away from home in two days, and in those two days I will gather food, maps, backpacks, tents, money, blankets, clothes, a rope and a notebook. Then I will promptly take my rope and while everyone is sleeping, jump out of the balcony with the rope then escape into the night. 

       My plan was foolproof. Or so I thought. Never did I expect, father to be out on a night stroll around the corridors on the exact same time as my daring escape. Of course I had gathered the materials and hid them well. I was unbelievably prepared to leave, and had already planned where to go first. But I didn't plan Father to even be out or even hear me as I unloaded the rope down the balcony. 

     The rope was already down, but father was also in my bedroom, his shocked face made humorous by the dramatic moonlight. I was standing on the balcony rails, getting ready to jump off, when he had bursted in yelling, 'A burglar!? In my daughter's room!?' 

     He probably didn't imagine the burglar was his very daughter. I crouched down and looked back at him. Slowly waving, I jumped down and landed swiftly on the ground. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Father's screams filled the house and surrounding areas. I quickly unhitched the rope and stuffed it inside my big backpack before running into the woods. 

      The night was cold and very lonely. I passed by dozens of looming trees and forest area, but it seemed none of it scared me anymore. Usually forests and like it make me terrified, but I feel so light and airy right now. It's a wonderful feeling. 

       I ran and ran for quite a while until when I looked back, I realized I was no longer in the forest. It seemed I hadn't been in the forest for a while actually, I was quite far away from the duke's estate. I looked around the flat meadow filled with sprawling grass and wild flowers. Nothing. 

       It seemed nothing was here. I sighed, maybe I could finally relax for a bit here. However, I spoke too soon, as I heard rustling in the bushes. Turning my head quickly to the bush, I was on high alert. A woman came out of the bushes, leaves were tangled on her hair and dress. 

        She had deep black hair tied in a bun, with a witches hat covering it, and bright green eyes that seemed to glow in the night. The woman looked around the age group of thirty five to forty. She patted her dress to rid of the twigs and leafs that were caught in her dress and she slowly picked up the extra leafs in her hair. 

         The woman finally locked eyes with me and stared at me for quite a while. She then yelled, "A POOR ABANDONED CHILD! How dare those nobles do something like that to this young girl!?" I blinked my eyes a couple of time, unable to believe what she was saying. 

        "It's okay, child. I shall take you in and raise you as my own...those heartless nobles will pay for leaving their poor, defenseless child here. What type of parents are they!" She yelled angrily. The woman sighed, calming herself down. She patted my head and removed some twigs in it, with a smile, "i'm Cassandra, nice to meet you dear. Can you tell me your name?" 

       "C-Collette?" I answered nervously. I was unsure whether to tell Cassandra what really happened. "Collette...what a beautiful name. I named my daughter that." She muttered while smiling warmly at me. I felt entranced, her smile was so warm and nice. I'm sure if I stayed with her, my life would be a bit more fun and interesting. And warm? 

        We walked for a while, until we reached a big boulder in a cave. Cassandra smiled and put her palm on the boulder, which was ten times her size. The ground started to rumbled and the cave trembled. The boulder started to move on its own, out of the cave entrance. 

       "You can probably already guess this by the hat, and eyes, but I'm a magic user." Cassandra said maturely. Yes, I think I remember something about green eyes relating to magic users. Cassandra held out her hand and warmly exclaimed, "Follow me, through here." 

       I nodded and took her hand. Her hand was firm and a bit weathered from old age and years of using metal. We walked into the pitch black cave, that seemed to have no light in it. "Just a bit more over here." Cassandra muttered as she guided me through. Soon or later, I started to see light through the end.

      When we got nearer to the mesmerizing light, I noticed it was the way outside. Somehow the cave had miraculously turned into a tunnel through to a little area. It was a big patch of grass, surrounded by high rock that was bigger than the huge but quaint cottage in the back. There was a small lake located just farther than the house, and it had two boats tethered to a wooden dock. The grass was filled with various glowing flowers and the moonlight seemed to make them look even prettier. Beside the huge cottage, was a gigantic oak tree that passed the rock's height and could probably be seen on the other side. 

       It looked very beautiful, and cozy. Cassandra motioned her hand back to the cave and I could hear the boulder moving back to its place. I looked up at Cassandra, still holding her hand. "This is my home, and it will be yours as well, from now on." She declared with a dignified smile. 

          "Wow," I muttered as I looked around at the cottage and area surrounding it. "Oh yeah, I also have a granddaughter, Willow. I hope you two can be friends!" She said happily as she gently pulled my hand towards the house. I followed her inside the cottage, after passing the porch and stunning wooden door. 

       The inside of the cottage was big but cozy. It had various messy papers scattered along the coffee tables, couches, desks, cabinets, and the dinner table. I could see in the way back, that various herbs were hanging and a brewing stand was happily sitting below it. 

         "Willow! I'm back!" Cassandra yelled loudly across the house. Soon I heard small thumps as someone ran down the stairs happily. "Grandmother! You're back!" A girl with short black hair and bright green eyes just like Cassandra yelled as she peeked through the stair's corner. 

          "Eh? Grandmother who's that?" She asked curiously looking at me as she walked towards us. "This is my adopted grandchild, Collette. Do try to be friends and good sisters." Cassandra said proudly. 

         With a shocked expression, Willow stared at me for a while. "Is there something wrong, Willow-Chan?" I asked her. She immediately stopped staring at me and said, "ah! I'm sorry for staring. It's just my mother's name was Collette too." 

       Oh yes, Cassandra did mention something like that. "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't bring any painful memories," I apologized. She looked at me once more, with a anxious face, "No! You didn't bring any bad memories! Only good ones!" 

         "That's good then," I replied. Willow calmed down and said in a happier tone, "Anyway, follow me! I'll show you to your room!" She strolled to the stair entrance and waited for me. I followed her lead and we both walked up the stairs. 

         She guided me to a room right next to the one at the far corridor. "My room is right next to yours, so if you need anything just barge in!" She yelled cheerfully. I nodded as I opened my new room. It seemed clean and simple. It had the necessary. A bed with a mattress, covers and pillows. A large window to look out of. A desk and chair set, with paper and a ink pen on the desk. It had drawers for clothes and a closet as well. Basic  necessities for a bedroom. 

       I heard a knock, and Willows voice saying, "The bathroom's the room at the very end of the hallway!" Then her footsteps left to her own room. I decided to unpack everything tomorrow and sleep today. I was somewhat right. This choice is very interesting. 

I Refuse to Live a Dull Life This Time! Wattys 2019Where stories live. Discover now