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Chapter 3 - Calm Before The Storm

The thought of somebody loving me. The one thing that keeps me alive, that thought, is slowly slipping from my brain. 3 years of nobody loving me, is finally getting to my brain.

My sister used to call me a little ray of sunshine, 3 years younger than her with golden eyes. I don't think I'll ever make somebody happy like my sister did though. So maybe that thought that keeps me alive should just be a dream, maybe it's my time to go.

The bathroom door shaking was what woke me up, not from the outside of my door, but from stomping downstairs. I spring up, every thing imaginable in my body aching from every step I take.

The bloody razor blade is on the ground, surrounded by my dried blood hat I don't have time to clean up. I'll just be forced to do it after school.

I put my wrist under running water quickly, dried blood turning the water red and running down the drain. A stinging sensation running through my arm, my eyebrows furrowing as I close my eyes from the pain all over my body.

I stop the water when I hear my dads yell, "WHERE IS MY BREAKFAST?!" Making me wrap a bandage around my wrist quickly and spring down the stairs.

The bandaid is tight on my swollen wrist, the pain flaring though my body but I can't help it as I get to the kitchen counter. "Summer, you disappointment you're supposed to be up by now!!!" My dad yells in my ear as I straighten my back and out my arms straight beside my body. Like is said, it's like I'm in the military.

He stands behind me, his breath fanning down the back of my neck. It sends shivers down my spine as he growls, "Make my food." He demands as he backs up and goes to a stool by the island. Watching me as I quickly make him eggs, the sizzling overwhelming my senses, drowning out any other noise around me as I focus on that.

My breathing becomes heavy and I feel quite lightheaded as I stir from the sudden feelings. The sizzling still ringing in my ears making me cover them with my hands. I slowly put the eggs on a plate—with a fork—and quickly run up to my room. Not having time to wait for my dad to beat me because I didn't put the correct amount of pepper.

My head still feeling woozy and my vision slightly blurred, nothing I'm not used to, just blood loss.

I change my clothes, black leggings feeling tight along bruises on my legs and swollen infected cuts and a black sweater, covering my bruised arms, scars, and new cuts I've caused. I smooth out the bandaid on my nose and place my bag in my hand, my brown hair falling to the sides of my face as I grab my bag and rush down the creaky steps.

I rush out the door, ignoring my fathers growls after me as I kick down my skateboard and begin riding to the school. When I left the clock had said 7:03 am, giving me ten minutes to skate to school and get to my first period first.

Being enough time for me to skate there, I relax. My kicks getting slow-paced instead of aggressively slapping the floor. The nature soothing me from the pain shooting through each and every one of my limbs.

As I near the school I'm surprised by the kids not hurdled in their groups but instead in different areas, talking to new people. I chuckle, something must have happened with the popular kids. Which surprise, surprise! I don't care about much.

I walk into the school, same as always the most breathtaking building I've seen. The beautiful flowers lining our school in our colors, pastel orange and light blue. What can I say rich schools are very specific, they almost made us wear uniforms Junior year.

I walk down the side of the hall next to the rows of lockers peppering over the hall and the school. The entire school gossiping about something happening with the popular seniors. Maybe Reid got a girlfriend or River got a new motorcycle? I chuckle at my own stupidity as I turn in to the next hall and make it to my locker.

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