{31 What is happening to you?

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{31 What is happening to you?

Your POV

When you wake up it is still dark outside and you sleepily groan and turn around in your bed not wanting to wake up.

''No...'' You grumble annoyed, ''It's too early.''

You toss and turn for a few moments before you sit up sighing, stupid Yoongi, why does he always have to get up this early. Reluctantly you step out of bed and grab some breakfast, you absently scroll trough some social media while eating. After breakfast, you get dressed and grab your stuff, may as well make use of this extra time.

When you leave the comfort of your apartment the sky is still a dark color of blue but in the distance a faint orange light in the cloud signals that the morning coming. You smile and watch the sun slowly rise while riding the bus to the university, you arrive hours before class would start and decide to work in the library instead of the classroom. After a short stop at the university coffee machine, you settle in the library and start working on your assignments. Soon you find yourself lost in your work and almost forgot the time and have to rush to class to not be too late. When you finally enter the class Jieun and Haneul are already there.

''Hey!'' Jieun greeted you happily.

Hey,'' You replied and plopped down on your usual seat next to them.

''Hey,'' Haneul said and smiled warmly at you, ''How was work this weekend?''

''As usual,'' You replied.

''Boring?'' Haneul asked.

You nodded in response.

Then your conversation ended because the teacher entered the classroom and started his lecture. You quickly unpacked your bag and started taking notes eagerly.

It wasn't even 10 minuted later when it happened your heart started pounding in your chest. Gasping you clasped a hand of your chest. You could feel your heart beating crazy, not normal fast, something was wrong. Suddenly you felt terrified as if the whole classroom knew what was happening to you and was looking at you but did nothing, nothing than looking whispering and pointing. Of course, this wasn't true, you knew this wasn't true, you could see it wasn't true everyone was just listening to the teacher not even paying attention to you. Desperately, you tried to calm yourself but you couldn't. Your breath was now coming in short panicked gasps. Something was wrong! Nausea rushed over your body and the classroom with also those people you thought were still looking at you suffocated you. You needed to get out, now! Without thinking you jumped up and rushed out of the classroom not caring that this time everything did look at you. Still, gasping for air you ran down the hallway to the restroom locking yourself in one of the stalls. Your head was spinning and you had to stabilize yourself against the wall. Panting heavily you sank the wall to the floor and hugged yourself, what was happening to you? One moment you were completely fine and then... what had happened? Then it hit you, this wasn't you, it was Yoongi. What had happened to him that made him feel this way? When you tried to grab your phone from your pocket your hands were trembling so bad you barely managed to get it out without dropping it to the floor. Your fingers were shaking so bad it took you while to press his name in your contact list.

''Pick up, Pick up, Pick up,'' You mumbled in panicked breaths while listening to the slow beeps of the phone.

''Yoongi!!'' You exclaim when you hear a click that signals that Yoongi had answered the phone.

''Y/N,'' You hear him whimper on the other hand.

Immediately you knew something had happened, but what? What had made him feel like this?

''what's wrong?'' You asked in short, sharp breaths.

''I- I-,'' He stammered loss of words, ''I can't take this... ''

''What?'' You gasped what was he talking about? ''Yoongi...?''

Even though you didn't know what was happening exactly, the soulmate bond made you feel everything he felt. The emotions you were feeling were so overwhelming you weren't even sure you were still you. All your emotions seem to have been replaced by his, he was hurting so much you weren't yourself anymore. You were him and that is why you knew this was something serious, but you could also feel he wasn't ready to tell anyone. He was afraid of anyone finding out about it, especially you, even though you already felt everything he was still scared of you knew. He probably doesn't realize how much you could feel of him at that moment. Right now, it wasn't the right place and time to pry into why he was hurting, it was more important how you could make him calm down.

''I- I- Don't know what do..'' He stammered between shortened breaths. '

You didn't know what to say, how to help him, you had no idea what he was talking about. His breath was coming in unsteady shallow breaths and you were quite sure he was hyperventilating. A tear softly ran down your cheek and you tried wiping it away but it was useless because it was immediately replaced by the second one rolling down your cheek.

''Yoongi...?'' You said in a soft voice trying to get his attention.

''I- I- I'm useless,'' Yoongi managed to say in between forced shallow breaths.

Again you were loss of words and just listened to Yoongi who quietly sobbed on the other end of the phone, still trying to hide his tears from you. Still trying to stay strong for you even though he was at his breaking point, but he couldn't hide his tears from you because they were streaming down your face too. With every tear, his feeling seemed to intensify the sheer terror had been replaced and It was almost as if you were reading his thoughts and feelings you felt useless, a good for nothing, completely utterly, worthless. His feelings were so overwhelming it took everything in you to stay strong to not let yourself fall into the same abyss he had fallen into.

''Yoongi!,'' You said in such a stern voice it even surprised you because you too were on the verge of breaking down, ''Listen to me!''

''N-No,'' Yoongi stammers, ''I can't, can't, I- I- don't deserve to be an idol.''

''Yoongi!'' You say again, ''Listen to me!''

It was silent for a moment you didn't even hear his shallow short breaths of silent sobs. You worried for a moment if he had hung up the phone, but then you hear him softly whimpering, on the other hand, waiting for what you had to say. Somehow you had gotten through to him and had gotten his attention.

''I know that you are hurting, a lot, I can feel it,'' You start saying, ''I don't understand what is exactly happening, but you are not useless and if anyone deserves to be an idol it's you. And I know I am not just speaking from myself there are millions and I mean literally millions of fans who believe in you and they don't care what you do, they love you anyway. You could just breathe into a microphone and they would scream enthusiastically because it is you... It's okay if sometimes you feel insecure. Yoongi, you are human too, you are made to be real, not perfect. And that's what fans like about you, they see themselves in you, your lyrics and you inspire them to be a better version of themselves.''

Slowly you feel your heartbeat got a little bit more steady and you knew that somehow you were getting through to him.

''I know, because I am one of those fans,'' You clench your jaw to hold back sobs and tears which were still on the verge of breaking out but you had to be strong, for him, ''I believe in you and I'm proud to say that...''

You stop for a moment gathering the courage to say the words you are about to say.

''....That...,'' You repeat in a soft tone, ''I love you.''


The drama is back!!!! And she said it! She said she loved him!! How will he react!!!???

Random character fact:

Your parents aren't soulmates, but there love for each other is real and even after all those years still as much present as the first time they met. 

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