Chapter One: Hot and Cold

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Hello! I am so excited to share this story with you all! I've never written anything quite likes this, you know, with cliches and over-the-top masculine players? Please, keep that in mind as you read and don't be shy.... please comment and vote if you enjoy this!

Up top, you'll see my inspiration behind Teagan Miller.

Thank you for reading!




She'd caught his eye the minute she waltzed into the crowded house, but not because she'd dressed up for the occasion. No, his eyes had been glued to her because despite her prim, lace collared blouse and black tailored slacks, something about her commanded attention. She carried herself like a member of royalty with her back ramrod straight and her nose turned up slightly. So classy. His fingers itched to wrap around the column of her slender neck to feel just how fragile it was. And his mouth... What wouldn't he enjoy doing with his mouth?

He'd been watching her from the corner of his eye all throughout the night. The party had been lame from the start, a preppy freshman's desperate attempt to join the cool crowd that had been doomed from the very beginning. But he'd come because he was usually the one parties catered to. And because a lame party was always better than being cooped up at home listening to his old man grumble on about losing money at the gaming tables. But when she walked in, Teagan forgot his troubles at home.

The pretty little redhead on his lap pouted as he returned his wandering gaze to her. "What's the matter, Tee? Don't I interest you enough for tonight?" She was a cheerleader, named Crue Gilles, used to batting her mascara clotted eyelashes and getting her way. It seemed tonight she'd set her sights on him. She trailed her long, red tipped fingers up his chest, stopping at the V of his signature black T-shirt. "Why don't we sneak on upstairs and have some fun?"

Thirty minutes ago, Teagan might have been tempted to take Crue up on her offer to give him some much needed relief. But he wasn't the least bit interested now. No, now, he wanted to get to know the Ice Queen who had stepped outside of her grandiose kingdom to mingle among mere peasants. "I'll have to take a raincheck, honey," Teagan drawled, despite knowing very well he wouldn't be cashing it in.

Crue's sultry look vanished. She glared with hard emerald eyes. "Whatever, you bastard."

A half smile played on his mouth as he watched Crue scramble off his lap and stomp away. She'd find another sucker willing to play and get over his brush off soon enough. Crue wasn't known for ever lacking bed partners. They lined up in groups of three as soon as she fluttered those fake lashes. To think he would have been the lucky chosen one tonight if the Ice Queen hadn't come in to kill his vibe.

But she hadn't killed it. Not by a long shot. She'd simply redirected it by choosing to be present tonight.

He surveyed the room and found her next to the drinks table. She wasn't alone. The fellow she'd walked in with, a third year college student studying Biology, was trying desperately to impress her. He wore a white button-down shirt with a green bow tie that more than likely matched the shade of his eyes. The poor guy was talking non stop. Probably yapping on about how his parents were well known psychologists with a house on the beach and how he was going to be a wealthy doctor one day. Because that was what mommy and daddy had always wanted him to be.

But the Ice Queen wasn't interested in what the future doctor was saying. Her stunning blue eyes were watching him, the scum of Gray's College. Even from his seat on the couch, he felt the impact of that look. It was magnetic, electric. Seemed his interest wasn't all one sided.

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