Chapter 25

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After last night I feel like my soul is complete, like I was missing a part of me, but it was restored at last. 

I wake up to soft kisses being placed all across my skin. I keep my eyes closed as I bask in the sparks and joy my mate is causing. 

"Good morning baby girl. I know your awake."

I just lay still, trying ti keep my breathing steady so Lucas thinks I'm asleep.

"I guess if you won't wake up, I'll eat the breakfast I made for you all by my self. Too bad, really."

At the mention of food my eyes shoot open.

A light chuckle sounds from of Lucas' chest and I can't help but let a sheepish smile settle onto my lips.

"Good morning Lucas. Now where is it? Where's my food?"

Lucas reaches over to his nightstand as I sit up and settle against the headboard. 

Twp problems. 

First-I don't have a shirt.

Second- When Lucas sees that he growls and forgets about my breakfast and seems to be in a trance.


All I receive is a low growl that sends shivers down my spine.

We can play this two different ways Aud. Option one is that we ask Lucas to give us one of his shirts cause there a lot more comfortable then ours. Option two we forget about breakfast and let Lucas do what he wants with us. I personally would like to go with option two but thats just me.


What? I can't help it! Besides it is the better choice!

Yeah no. We are going with option one.

Dang it! Your no fun.




I pull the sheet up to my chin, much to Lucas dismay as he growls louder then he had been.

"Lucas. Can you please get my one of your shirts."

Lucas snaps out of his trance and shakes his head, trying to clear whatever was plaguing his mind.

"I'm sorry Audrey. Yeah I'll get you one of my shirts. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"You didn't make me uncomfortable, I just want to eat my breakfast."

Lucas shakes his head in understanding as he untangles himself from the sheets and goes towards the closet.

Three more problems.

One-Lucas doesn't have any pants.

Two-Kenna and I loose focus and seem to enter a trance, similar to Lucas'.

Three-I don't want to be in this trance but can't seem to escape it.

"Here baby girl."

Lucas comes out of the closet with a pair of boxers on and a black shirt thrown across his shoulder.

I'm still drooling at the sight of my mate as he walks closer to the bed and helps me get the shirt on, not allowing his eyes to leave mine.

"Now, are you ready for breakfast?"

Snapping out of him, a large smile rests on my lips.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme!"

Lucas lets out a laugh, crawls onto his side of the bed, and places the breakfast tray in front of me.

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