~ Five ~

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"I never noticed this before." I say running my fingers along the vine with dying flowers coming off it on Johnnys shoulder. "Because you were too worried about my dick." He chuckles underneath me. I blush and nestle my head into his chest mumbling a pathetic shut up.

"You'll have to stay. Or sneak out." I say resting my chin onto Johnny chest. "My parents." I explain at his confused expression. "Ah. I'll stay right here." He says pulling his arms tighter around me. "Good." I say kissing his lips.


In the morning Johnny and I slept in and are almost late to school. We run into first period right before the bell rings. "You didn't ring me." Sam hisses at me when I sit next to her. "He only just left." I whisper pulling my book out. "What?" She yells when Mr Micheals walks in. "None of that today Samantha." He snaps heading straight to the whiteboard.

By lunch time Sam looks like she's about to burst. "Tell me." She whines. "When Charlie gets here." I smirk at my friend when she sighs dramatically. When Charlie arrives I finally put her out of her misery and tell her what happened last night. Minus the mind-blowing  sex. I guess now that we're having a baby I feel like I should keep our sex life private.

"You slept with him didn't you?" She gasps when I'm finished. "Olivia sleep with someone? Please, she's such a prude." Kirsten snickers as she walks past our table. "Let me punch her." Sam pouts and clasping her hands in a begging motion. "Who are we punching?" Johnny asks sitting next to me. "Kirsten." Sam says giving the evils to her across the room.

"But since apparently 'it's not okay to punch people' I'll just sit here and imagine it." Sam sighs doing a terrible impression of what I've told many tines. Charlie and Johnny start talking leaving me sitting there looking between them confused. "Why's he here?" I whisper over the table to Sam who snaps her head back to my face then over to Johnny.

She shrugs looking at him suspiciously. "What times your appointment?" She asks grabbing my fries. Both boys instantly stop talking and look at me. "12:15. I'm leaving at lunch." I say feeling awkward with all three staring at me. "Alright well I'm going to pee. See you in history." I say slowly standing when no one answers.

The rest of the day goes by smoothly. In history Charlie and Sam were they're normal self. Johnny on the hand actually included himself into our conversation. When I get home mom and dad are home already on the couch. "Hey." I say dumping my bag and sitting on the chair.

"What's up?" I ask when dad turns the tv off. "I'm sorry sweetheart." He says sadly. My stomach sinks. They know. They've found out some how. They're going to kick me out. "W-what?" I stutter. "I have to go away for work for the rest of the week and moms coming." Dad sighs. My stomach instantly calms.

"That's it?" I ask releasing a breathe I didn't realise I was holding. "You're not upset?" Mom asks shocked. "No?" I answer but it comes out more like a question. "We know you hate staying by yourself." She explains. "Oh no it's fine. Sam can stay if I get lonely." I joke. "No parties though." Dad says jokingly knowing I'd never throw a party.

"And don't end up pregnant. I'm not old enough to be a grandma." Mom laughs. My stomach churns again and I can feel tears burning in my eyes. "When do you leave?" I ask clearing my throat willing the tears to disappear. "Two hours. Moms left money for pizza tonight." Dad says turning the tv back on.

I sit with my parents until they need to leave pretending to watch the tv. My mind is going crazy. What are they going to do when they find out? As soon as they leave I ring Sam who comes over straight away. "If they kick you out you can live with me." She smiles. "Your parents probably won't even want you to see me." I cry. Sam rolls her eyes before grabbing my shoulders. "You need to snap out of this crazy hormonal crap. They're. Not. Going. To. Kick. You. Out."

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