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I sit on a wooden chair inside for a few minutes until I start feeling sane again.

Before I can think of anything, he walks back inside with a plate. Mulha laid on it in the form of precisely cut and cripsed steaks. The smell makes my nostrils inflate, watering my mouth.

He lays the plate on the table in front of me, then turns back to the door.

"Eat. I'll be right outside."

Why? The question echoes in my head, but my mouth is trained towards the food. I don't remember how long it was since I ate. And I've never eaten a guardian spirit.

I realize I got nothing to cut the steaming steaks on my plate with. But he's already gone. The door left ajar behind him.

I grab one of the steaks and bite.

"Uhm!" An eager hum growls from my stomach as the crisp cracks beneath my teeth, and the juice from the surprisingly tender meat spills on my tongue.

I devour the stake bite after bite. Chewing quick and strong, feeling my body strengthen and straighten with every gulp. With the last piece still in my mouth, my hands are already reaching to grab the next stake.

Ever since I escaped slavery, I grew every day in my appreciation to food. Anything I can mash down my throat to keep going. Anything to not end up back there.

This meal was different. It filled me up. Lifted my spirit. Gave me confidence at where I'm at, rather than fueled me to go on running.

I lose track of time, and find the plate finished. I lean back in my chair eyelids fluttering shut.

A vision plays behind my eyes. The great white stag walks towards sunshine in clear blue sky above the forest. The majestic horns turn around as Mulha looks over her shoulder at me. Her deep doe eyes glitter with understanding. Then she goes on into the light; pure white fur rising in golden flames.

"Thank you, Mulha." My lips whisper.

"Thank the king on my behalf, my queen." The hairs on my nape stand on end as the spirit's voice vibrates inside my body.

"The king?" I ask, but Mulha does not speak again.

Queen? I blink slowly, staring at the air. Me?

RaptureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon