5: Poor Kid

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Tony's POV:

I sit down at the table with Steve, rubbing my head.

"You alright there Tony?" He asked.

"No, no I'm not. This poor kid just lost the only family member he had left."
I sighed, picking at the pasta and looking at the empty seat next to me.

"It breaks my heart. I just want the best for him."

Steve and I sat in silence for a minute.

"This might be out of my place to say, but he still has family left technically."
I stand up fast, running over to him.

"Who? Do you know their number? Address? What' their name? If this is true I gotta-"
Steve grabs me by the shoulders with quite a serious grip.

"It's you Tony. You are the last of his family."


"I've seen the way you two look at each other. The way you care for him. The way he looks up to you. You might as well adopt him."
Steve lets go of me to eat more pasta. I walk back over to my seat and sit down.

"I'll think about it. We'll see how he does staying here."
I continue to finish my pasta and wash the dishes as Steve announces he's going to bed. I didn't realize the time.

I went to go check up on Peter when I knocked on the door.

"Peter, you asleep yet?"
I cracked open the door to see him in fetal position, fast asleep, with still wet tears on his cheeks.

"Oh kiddo..." I put a blanket over him and kissed his forehead.

"Don't do anything stupid please. I care about you too much." I whispered, shutting the door behind me and heading off to sleep as well.

Peter's POV

I woke up the next morning to some arguing. I run my eyes and sit up, realizing I had a new blanket on me.
Anyways, after I re-adjusted to remembering where I was, I didn't even bother to change my clothes and went to investigate.

"Waffles are way better than pancakes!" I heard Captain America say.

"But pancakes just have this home-y feel to them y'know?" I heard Tony respond.

I walked closer to see Thor, Captain America, and Tony all at the kitchen Island.

"I agree with the Man of Iron, pancakes do remind me of Asgard." Thor said. I walked a bit farther into the room until I was noticed.

"Ah, the Man of Spiders is awake. Nice to finally make your acquaintance."
Thor got up and as he towers over me, he put his hand out for me to shake. I give it to him weakly.

"Is Man of Spiders okay? He seems...off."

"He's just tired. I'm Cap as you probably know, but you can call me Steve." I shook Steve's hand as well.

"C'mon kiddo we're making pancakes." Tony said.
I sighed. I didn't really feel like eating.

"I'm really not that hungry, you don't have to make me pancakes." My voice was hoarse. Probably from the crying.

"Ha! So it's waffles you prefer!" Steve said.

"Shut up!" Tony and Steve started to bicker like children again.

"No no, it's not that, I'm just feeling a bit under the weather. I'm gonna go back to bed."
I rushed back to my room, feeling overwhelmed and trying not to cry.
And that wasn't even all of the people that will be living here.
How on earth am I gonna handle this.

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