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'How could he do this to me again? That jerk. I'm pregnant with his child but he wouldn't even bother to show up for another ultrasound. I understand his busy at the office but damn, our beautiful baby girl isn't even born yet and his already flaking out.'

'He needs to understand that she is the most important thing right now. I love him with all of my heart, but things cannot keep going this way.'

The thoughts invaded her mind like swarming bees. And it was true, she loved her husband so much that she would do anything for him, but being six months pregnant with a non-cooperative husband took a toll on her. She just couldn't understand why the love of her life was acting this way. She loved her daughter so much that she couldn't wait to see and hold her.

And hopefully he wouldn't be late to the birth of their daughter as well.

After the ultrasound was done, she walked out of the hospital and waited for him. Placing her hands on her huge belly, she felt her daughter kick and she instantly smiled. Her eyes caught a glimpse of her wedding ring and wondered where her husband was.

Two minutes later, and after she left him a bunch of calls, a white car pulled up in front of her and she immediately knew who it was. She crossed her arms over her chest and snapped her head the other way. He sprinted out of the car and stood in front of her.

"I'm so sorry baby." He said while trying to control his breathing. She was obviously mad at him and didn't say anything. "You're made at me?" He asked and suddenly she turned to meet his dark brown eyes.

After looking at him with an intentive stare, she left him there and opened the passenger door and hopped in. He sighed as he ran his fingers through his brown hair and turned around to get in his car.

He knew she would be mad again and he knew he had to choose his words carefully to apologize to his wife.

"I'm sorry, Madison." She didn't budge to glance at him. "And I'm sorry baby." He placed the palm of his hand on her growing belly. "Daddy is so sorry."

    "Just drive Christian." She suddenly said with a hint of anger in her voice, and after caressing her belly for one last time he pulled his hand away.

"Seat belt on." He said and she did just that-still mad at him. He then started the engine and drove off.

Ten minutes in and they still on their way home. Traffic is bad in New York. Silence filled the car as they both didn't speak a word to each other.

Madison just stared out the window and saw the snow falling from the blue-gray skies and Christmas decorations all over the city, including the stream of lights at every traffic light and small shops alongside the road.

Out of the blue she asked.

    "Are you cheating on me?"

"What type of Christmas spirit is that Madison?" Christian asked frowning.

    "Are you fucking cheating on me Christian?!" She yelled and turned to look at him.

"No I'm not cheating on you. Why would you think such bullshit?!" He tightened his grip on the steering wheel out of anger.

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