Chapter 7

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Paradise Ranch


He heard the gunshot and felt his heart plummet and part of him knew that Mason had just died. After all this, after everything he’d been through. He knew sending him in there could result in this, but it was the distraction they needed to get in close. Someone had to make the sacrifice and he would’ve never let anyone else do it.
He heard chaos erupt inside the bar following the gunshot and frowned. If they’d shot Mason…the door burst open and Mason came tumbling out, white beard standing out like a beacon in the dark. “Now!” He shouted as he rolled across the sidewalk and disappeared underneath a truck.
Garret stormed across the street, gun up and started shooting the moment he saw movement at the door that wasn’t Sky or one of Neon’s Gate’s residents. They’d come to find the bar full of True Survivors and set up a perimeter. There was someone at every window and Lucia had come with her own people to cover the back door.
“You picked the wrong family.” Garret muttered as he opened fire.
As he made it to the entrance, the True Survivors were finally starting to fire back and he had to duck and take cover behind the wall, reloading his shotgun before someone put their back on the wall beside him. He glanced up to see Abel. “Let’s get our girl.”
He nodded, not even irritated that Abel had referred to her as their girl. She was. She was the woman that kept the entire family together, she was the reason Abel was here. “Let’s go.” Garret pushed off the wall and fired inside the bar and Abel was right on his flank. They moved inside firing and Jackson cleared a window, shooting down several True Survivors before he grappled one and tossed him outside.
Garret spotted Neon on the floor next to a body and did a double take when he realized it was Jay before someone slammed into Abel beside him. The impact of the two bodies was hard enough that they tumbled into Garret and the three of them clattered into a bar.
He heard Abel yelling and the figure grabbed onto his head and slammed him down into the table before he pulled a gun and pressed it to Abel’s head. “Traitor!”
Garret shot, heart skipped as Dean’s body hit the floor with a solid thump and he stared, unable to look away as the room seemed to go quiet around him. He was terrified to turn his head, terrified he hadn’t pulled the trigger quick enough to save Abel.
“My God that was close.” Abel straightened his back slowly and Garret felt the breath leave him and he turned. Abel was in one piece.
“I thought I was too late.” Garret muttered and looked around. The bar was a mess but the shooting had stopped. Matteo was standing across the room, gun still raised, but there were no True Survivors left. The only people alive in here were from Paradise Ranch, Carmina Motel, and Neon’s Gate. “Where’s Sky?”

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