The Announcement

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AN: Before I begin the newest chapter, I want to address a few things to those who may have concerns with me naming an Old God as well as the suddenness of Jon opening to Dany.

First, I understand that in neither the books nor the show that there are no named Old Gods. I wanted to name one individually, as there is no reason why there aren't any named ones. At least no reasoning that I could find.

Second, I know it seems that Jon tells Dany everything quickly. My reasoning for this is he knows what is at stake if he does not share anything or waits too long. I am going to try to show this more in this chapter. They will NOT immediately head south in like 2 chapters. My goal is to take a lot longer before moving south. We will not be going to King's Landing first, though.

Now onto to Chapter 3 of TRDS: The Announcement!


Jon looks over to his left to see Drogon and Dany flying next to him, she is gazing back at him with a bright smile on her face. Jon is powerless to resist in returning her smile. Rhaegal gives a slight shake under Jon, causing him to break his contact with Dany and look forward.

Winterfell lay before them. He could see both Dany's & his' armies continuing preparations all around the outside of the castle. It looked good on the surface. Yet, with his knowledge of the future, improvements needed to be made. He could possibly prevent Winterfell's destruction and save thousands from the coming battle. He then knew exactly what changes needed to be done.

Rhaegal, almost like they could read minds, turned his head to lock an eye with Jon. Jon gazed back into Rhaegal's deep green eye, having a complete conversion within that gaze. Jon nods to Rhaegal, who turns to look back forward with a mighty roar before diving straight to the ground. Jon could hear a faint gasp from Dany as a smile of enjoyment comes over his face as they rush to the ground.

Rhaegal spreads his wings moments before they touch the ground. Inside Winterfell's courtyard, to the amazement of everyone around them. Jon cannot wipe the smile off his face as he dismounts Rhaegal. He caresses Rhaegal's snout in appreciation of the ride he provided. The purring he felt rumbling beneath Rhaegal's scales in response, gave Jon the confirmation he needed of a few things.

One, he truly is a Targaryen.

Two, he had now entirely accepted it.

Three, Rhaegal is his dragon, and he is Rhaegal's rider.

A loud roar from above broke their connection, both looking upwards to see Drogon diving as well. Just not as quickly or as steep. Plus, almost in trying to one-up his brother, a slight hiss from Rhaegal seemed to almost say, aren't you glad you picked the more freeing dragon? Jon casts a small look at Rhaegal, I would not have chosen any other dragon. Just try to keep the freeing antics to a minimum in front of your mother. She will always worry about you. Rhaegal's eyes seem to drop for a moment with a little whine as the reminder that his mother is riding Drogon and he may have worried her. Jon pats Rhaegal's snout in farewell. As Jon backs up and away, Rhaegal rears up and takes off nearly vertically to make room for Drogon. Jon could hear the growl Drogon lets out as Rhaegal passes.

With a heavy thud, Drogon lands in the courtyard to allow Dany to dismount. Once she is clear, he quickly takes off to chase after Rhaegal. As Drogon takes off, Jon lowers his eyes to notice than Dany is staring straight at him with a look that gives him some alarm. She is angry. The smile on his face disappears. Its replaced with a look of remorse and guilt. Dany quickly walks up to him, aware that they have dozens of pairs of eyes on them.

Temporal Reversion - Dragon StyleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt