Training day

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At dawn the next morning Jack found Kazunori out in the garden, collecting pebbles from the frozen flower beds; he was picking out stones of a certain size and shape. Every time he found one that fit his criteria he dropped it into the pocket of his robe, which was already weighted down with winners.

"You're out early," Jack said.

"Good morning," Kazunori said, straightening up and stepping out of the flower bed.

"I still remember my own initiation," Jack said fondly. "More bruises than I could count."

Kazunori nodded with the hint of a smile on his face, remembering a much younger Jack. "Is the boy up yet?"

"Yeah, he's having breakfast."

"Good. I'm ready for him."

Arthur came out into the garden dressed in sweatpants, sneakers and a hoodie.

"How's it hangin' Hitchcock?" Jack said. "You sleep well?"

"Not really," Arthur said, glancing at Kazunori and wondering if he was going to say anything about the raven that snuck into his room. "I had some weird dreams."

"I slept like a baby," Kazunori said with a wink. "Nightmares are common after becoming a bearer. If you meditate and keep your passengers in check the dreams should subside eventually."

"Morning everyone," Pierre said as he and Abby came out onto the deck, each with a cup of hot tea simmering between their palms. "Are we getting right down to business?"

"Yeah, bright and early," Arthur said, following Kazunori out over the bridge and into the garden. There was a fresh layer of snow crunching beneath their feet.

"Take your place over there, Arthur," Kazunori said, pointing to the edge of the pond. Kazunori had arranged dozens of little clay pots that appeared to be handmade, they were stacked at different heights along the rockery by the pond; like targets lined up at a shooting gallery.

"The pots behind you," Kazunori said, rubbing his hands together. "Those are my targets."

"Wait, your targets?" Arthur said. "Where are mine?"

"Your objective is to keep as many of them intact as you can. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, fuck it, as ready as I'll ever be," Arthur said with an uncertain frown.

Kazunori took a pebble from his pocket and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger.

"Alright," Arthur said. "Give it your best sh-"

A pot exploded behind Arthur, sending shards of clay flying into his back like pieces of shrapnel. He ducked and covered his head with his hands.

"You'd better watch out," Pierre said, happily swaying his legs back and forth over the side of the deck. "He flings those fuckers like bullets!"

"Jesus," Arthur said bewildered. "I couldn't even see it coming."

"Come on, kid," Jack said. "You're the puppeteer, remember. Yank them strings!"


Arthur hunched up his shoulders as another pot shattered right behind him. His eyes flashed to black like a defense mechanism, sending ravens flying out blindly in all directions from the collar his hoodie. But the birds dissolved into feathers mid-flight as Arthur's concentration was broken by another pot, shattering dangerously close to his head.

"Shit!" Arthur grunted, holding his arms up to protect his face. "Is he gonna hit me?"

"He is if you don't start blocking soon!" Pierre said, sipping his tea.

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