Chapter Fifty PT.1: The end of the story

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"You are so cruel sometimes" I sighed turning away from him,
"I'm sorry i was too rough" he chuckled again applying ointment on my bruises,my body was sore and bruised when i woke up and he felt bad about it so he started to treat every single bruise i got.

"Besides! It hurts to sit! Sitting isn't supposed to hurt!" I whined more,despite his desperate attempts of trying to show his guilt,i was still pretty pissed.
"I'm really sorry,but when you gave me permission to be as rough as I wanted,i lost control" he replied still focused on the bruises on my body,

"Plus you seemed to enjoy it a lot" he teased while shifting his gaze to my eyes,
"You-!" I slapped his shoulder causing him to laugh a little,
"I was too caught up in the moment to think about the bruises and agony i was going to suffer later!"

"Hey," he cupped my cheeks and tilted my head to his direction,
"I'm really sorry,I'll be more gentle next time."
"I don't want you to be." I placed my hand on his, "i might suffer now,but secretly I don't regret any of it,"
"You're such a hypocrite.." he joked brushing my cheek with his thumb.

"I'm kind of worried about your shoulder,god Irene you should've stopped me!" He cursed under his breath and sighed checking my body again.

"I couldn't stop you even if i wanted to,we took it to the point of no return" I shrugged unable to get myself to be serious about this,
"I'll go get you some clothes." He let go of me and left the room,i was still only in my underwear,but I didn't mind it,it wasn't cold like how it used to be.

"Here," he came back which surprised me,how did he pick clothes this quickly?
"Sophia already had them,"
"Oh cause i was wondering about how you were able to pick me some clothes that fast." I joked getting up to wear my clothes,
The usual style,Red blouse,black pencil mini skirt and high heels.

"Can you walk in high heels?" He asked worryingly,
"Ivan you complain too much,I'm fine! I can breathe,walk and talk really well,that's it stop worrying." I paused from wearing my clothes to answer him,i hated people who worried too much,it killed my care-free nature,which is kind of stupid and bad but it's how i was.

"Okay!...I won't bother you anymore i was just a little worried.." he got up and brushed the back of his neck,
"I'll be waiting for you in the dining room then.."

I gave him one last nod reassuring him that I'm fine,and he left the room letting it sink in silence,I sighed watching my body in the mirror,bruised,sore,aching and red,what have you done to me Ivan?


I could feel how the entire house was filled with life again,how there were maids and the windows were open,the smell of blossoming summer and a day after a long night of rain and thunder,I walked downstairs despite my knees shaking every time they bend,it was a really rough night,and only I brought it upon myself.

"Good morning Madam" a maid passing by greeted and i greeted her back,it continued like that with every maid until i reached the hallway,Eric was with a renovator who came by to take a look at the houses poor condition after Edward had broken some windows and doors,

"Eric!" I called his name and immediately caught his attention,he approached me and stood in front of me with his hands in his pocket,
"Good morning madam.." he greeted with a soft smile,
"Good morning" I returned his smile with another smile, "how are you feeling?"

"I should be the one asking you," He replied,
"Yeah but you and Ivan took as much beating,your face looks really bruised" i explained with a frown,
"Not as bruised as you looked walking over here." He chuckled gently, i was unable to know if he was joking or serious,

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