7 ~ Sadness

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You woke up when you felt something poking your face. You groaned and slowly opened your eyes only to see hoseok leaning over and poking you with his very tiny hand. You giggled "that tickles hoseok". You assumed he somehow traveled from the nightstand to your bed. You noticed a large heart shaped smile form on his face "you're awake" he said happily.

You chuckled and lifted him up in your hand while you sat up "such a cute little sunshine" you said while he blushed slightly. You noticed the rest of the boys were still asleep and then you realized you had a problem for today.

You didn't think about how you were going to carry all of them, the pocket on your overalls from yesterday was too small and they were dirty as well since you stumbled a couple of times in the forested area trying to run away from that evil cat. You got up and then searched you closet with one hand while hoseok was sitting in the other.

You quickly pulled out a sweater and got out your sewing kit, you struggled to hold them under one arm but managed to travel to the living room. Hoseok watched curiously and you placed him on the ground beside you.

You used the material from the old sweater you cut yesterday and cut out a larger pocket and began sewing it into the middle of the sweater. "wow" hoseok said in awe while you quickly sewed the pocket as fast as you could. You had finished pretty quickly and then smiled "wait here hoseok I'm going to get changed" you said and he nodded his head.

You went to your room and noticed everyone else was awake, you headed to your closet to get a pair of jeans and then picked up the four of them.

"good morning" jimin chirped out happily "morning jimin" you smiled as the other three still looked groggy and half awake. You shucked at their tired states and you began walking to the bathroom but on the way you placed the four of them on the kitchen counter before going to change. 

You had finished changing and walked out, you noticed the four sitting on the counter and hoseok was on the floor playing with the extra fabric on the ground. You could see all of them since the kitchen and the living room were open and connected. You smiled and then started cutting up some food they could eat.

You heard yugyeoms door open and you smiled "good morning yugyeom" you said while plating the food and you put it onto the counter.

"morning" he mumbled out and you watched him step towards your fabric mess on the ground and you screeched "NO" you ran and tackled him to the ground right before he stepped on hoseok

"YOU ALMOST KILLED MY LITTLE SUNSHINE" you screamed while you got off yugyeom and you quickly picked up hoseok. Yugyeom eyes widened "sorry, I totally forgot I have to watch where I step" he said with a panicked voice. Yugyeom still looked shocked staring at hoseok who was sitting in your hand. He was probably still shocked that yesterday wasn't a dream just like how you were shocked after you woke up finding the tiny people were in fact real and not a dream. But it seems like jimin's voice managed to snap yugyeom out of his trance of staring at hoseok when he spoke.

"I want a nickname too" jimin whined out.

"seriously jimin, hoseok almost got flattened and that's what you're thinking about" yoongi groaned.

"you want one too" jimin huffed.

"oh yoongi is blushing" namjoon teased.

You placed hoseok on the counter and looked at yugyeom "get dressed we have to go as soon as possible so we cover the whole other half of the park"

Yugyeom nodded while he left to get ready but silently mumbling "they are real...actual tiny people standing on my kitchen counter" he rambled out and you couldn't help but laugh as yugyeom had a mini crisis while he walked to his room.

You then turned to see jimin staring at you intensely with a pout and you sighed knowing jimin wasn't going to let the previous topic go. You began thinking for a while until you suddenly got it.

"how about jiminie" you asked wondering if jimin liked the nickname you made, it may not have been very creative but for now it was all you could think off.

"I love it, that's what my friends call me anyways" he smiled.

"um and you can be kookie" you said while pointing at jungkook and he nodded with a slight blush, then you turned to yoongi "yoongs" you asked questionably to see if he liked it.

"sure" he mumbled as he blushed. "then lastly, what about joonie" you asked the purple haired boy, he blushed but nodded his head.

After everyone seemed satisfied with their nicknames you heard yugyeoms bedroom door open and he emerged from the doorway wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans "alright, ready to go" he said and you chuckled "okay, lets go" you yelled.


You had all arrived at the park and the five tiny people fit in the pocket you made perfectly. You took out your phone and showed yugyeom "okay so we are searching this half, it's mostly the flower garden were people walk around" you said while pointing at the area on your phone and yugyeom nodded his head.

"JIN" you screamed "TAEHYUNG" yugyeom yelled. People were looking at you guys like you were crazy since you were both crouched down looking into the flower patches. You noticed the stares and just yelled "u-uh just looking for our dogs"

Yugyeom face palmed while mumbling "great so my best friend is an idiot"


You had been looking for hours and this was actually the second search through of the flower patches. With yugyeom helping you two manged to cover the whole area twice but there was nothing and it was officially dark outside now, "guys we looked everywhere" you said with disappointment.

"b-but we just have to look harder" namjoon had stuttered out. Dread fell over you as you realized you had searched the whole area twice and their friends weren't here.

"guys I'm really sorry I ju-" but before you could finish you heard hoseok

"It's all my fault, if I didn't rush us we would be fine. They could be dead" hoseok cried out.

"no we all agreed to go hobi don't cry" yoongi said.

You felt terrible and notice yugyeom looked very upset as well. "come on we should head home it's late" yugyeom stated. You sighed in defeat and nodded while you headed home.


You had got home and the five boys immediately asked to go to bed and decided to skip on eating anything. You helped them onto the nightstand and left the room knowing they needed some space and time. They were probably heartbroken knowing they couldn't find their friends.

You felt pure sadness thinking about how they must feel. You sighed and sat down at the kitchen table and yugyeom gently patted your head "it's not your fault y/n, get some sleep alright" yugeom spoke softly while you nodded your head watching as yugyeom went to his room his shoulders slightly sagged. He was clearly upset as well.

You yawned while you had been sitting at the kitchen table for a while and you decided it was about time you should head to bed. Hopefully tomorrow you could think of another plan to look for the two friends. 

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