6: locker room - filler

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A/N: gets a little raunchy so...


bronwyns p.o.v.:

it had been two weeks since the soccer game and everything had been going normally. get up for school, go to practice, repeat. nova and charlie were still playing a game of, "i like her but..." therefore, i had given up on trying to get them together and skye was on the case. carter was another story. Some days, she would act like we were together, others she was all over another girl named Carson, a junior and astoundingly beautiful. She had black hair cut to her shoulders in curls and emerald green eyes, her olive skin was littered with freckles. Carson walked a little crooked and i never knew why until she wore a skirt and i learned that her right leg was a prosthetic.

i had asked Charlie about the girl and she explained that Carson had suffered from osteosarcoma, cancer of the bones. it ended up taking her leg and she was lucky thats her leg is the only limb she ended up losing. I had begun to realize that Carter was a bit of a player, and I didn't like it one bit.

Today had been uneventful. I sat in classes and snuck glances at Carter and Carson, even their names sounded good together. I let out an inaudible sigh as i pulled on my sneakers for soccer practice, humming the song that i had sung to Carter when I felt a pair of arms snake around me. I thought i was the last one in here so I jumped and moved out of the grasp to spot Carter looking at me with her dark, deep blue eyes. I felt like i was drowning in them.

"Oh um... Carter. Hey." i stated lamely and she snickered, her eyes looked dark with lust.

"Hey Bronwyn," she answered lazily, leaning against the lockers and looking me up and down. "we haven't talk much, babe. I miss you."

"oh yeah.. I've been busy." I answered back, my german accent came out very strong when i was nervous- so naturally i sounded more german than usual.

Before I could process what had happened, my back was to a cold locker and I was lip-locked on Carter. My head screamed not to but i kissed back with an extreme amount of passion. Her hands found their way under my jersey and roamed my abs and chest, causing my breathing to become sharp and uneven.

Her mouth moved to my neck when I heard the locker room door open and jumped away from Carter, shutting my gym locker and shooting her an 'i'm sorry' look before running off to practice.

howdy! so my chapters may start to he a little shorter because i'm not in the best state mentally so here's a little filler for you.
thank you so so so much for 60 reads! i'll try to post again by tomorrow.
love you

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