Chapter 31 - "Ha! I knew I was your source of happiness."

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A bright, cheery song stirred Haley from her sleep. Frowning, she rolled over and looked at her nightstand. Her phone remained dark. Puzzled and half convinced she was still dreaming, she sat up.

There were no words to the song, only upbeat drums and a piano playing out a melody that seemed to embody happiness. Finally, coming out of her sleepy haze, she realized that the song was playing in Jace's room.

Staggering out of her bed, she grabbed her hacky sack and tossed it at his sleeping form. It bounced off him and he scrunched his face up. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, blinking at Haley. Leaning against her doorframe, she waited, yawning into the back of her hand. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking like a little kid with the gesture.

"New alarm clock song?" she asked.

A drowsy smile slid onto his face.

"Yeah, I found it the other day, I figured it was more pleasing than that annoying beeping."

He picked up his phone but didn't turn off the alarm, letting the music play on. He nodded his head in time, the action waking him. When he stood up and started swinging his hips, Haley laughed. He smiled at her. His hair was a tangled mess and he was wearing a tank top and a pair of gym shorts.

"Come on and dance, Haley Day," he said, moving out onto the balcony.

"You know I suck at dancing."

"No one ever truly sucks at dancing, just try. It will help you wake up."

His smile widened, teasing her. Rolling her eyes, she left the comfort of her doorframe and stepped out to the balcony to meet him.

"I don't know what to do," she said, tossing up her hands.

"Follow my lead."

He dipped once and slid to the side. Inwardly groaning, Haley matched his steps, her body uncoordinated and awkward. Jace stopped dancing.

"I take it back a person can truly suck at dancing."


He burst out laughing and held up his hand, halting Haley from making a retreat.

"Joking, you just need practice. Which we can now do every morning to my alarm."

For a moment, all Haley could do was stare at him. He was grinning and his whole person seemed to be light, though she knew that made no sense.

"How are you always so happy?" she asked. 

Stopping the song, he shrugged and slipped the phone into his pocket, followed by his hands.

"That's a lot to be happy about. I don't understand why the rest of the world is so negative most of the time."

"Maybe in your world, there's a lot to be happy about, but others don't share that."

Jace nodded as if processing what she was saying and finding a different meaning.

"I get that life is hard, believe me, I do know that but..." He ran a hand through his hair, his fingers snagging on a knot. "Learning to find happiness in every day is work but when all is said in done I like my life better when I find it and don't settle for the negative."

Frowning, Haley crossed her arms, struggling to see how any happiness could be found when life was so challenging.

"You're skeptical," Jace said. "I get it, but happiness isn't some far-reaching thing. For insistence, I find happiness in you."

An odd tingling feeling flooded Haley's stomach. As her eyebrows shot up, she pointed to herself. "Me."

"Yeah, I just got to wake up and watch you do a terrible impression of someone trying to dance."

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