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I knew that this made him a little bit uncomfortable, but what's the point of hiding if people were going to broadcast where you were.

"I'm sorry if this puts you in an awkward position," I admitted to him.

"It'll be okay. I think. Let's go through here," he directed me through another tunnel.

"So, what is our escape plan?"

"Here, put this on," he handed his huge jacket to me. "Just do it, it will mask your scent long enough for me to get you in the car and drive you out of here, without being detected."

"Why won't the guards stop you?" I asked bewildered. The Blood Venom pack has the best security, I can't believe he is able to sneak in without being detected.

"The boys and I are still friends," he told me.

"The boys?"

"Mason and Jace. They know that I occasionally come to visit, and they knew I would be here today. I had to support Ax today, even if he didn't know I was here. I'm sorry about what happened, it wasn't fair to you. But, the Council has always been terrible to Ax, and you were just a pawn in there little game," he apologized.

"Why don't they like him? What happened here?"

"It isn't really my story to tell. But, I'm sure you know that Luna Arabella never did the Lunar Trials. So, in the Council's eyes, she wasn't really Luna. And that means that Axel shouldn't really be Alpha, since his mom wasn't Luna," I nodded my head and urged him to keep going, "The pack never really cared for that, and they all thought that since he was Alpha Christian's first born and the son of his mate, that Ax had the total right to be Alpha. The pack loved Axel and they thought that he did a great job as Alpha. But, he kept undermining the Council, and they wanted more power. They thought that if they make you fail, he will choose you, and he will have to give up being Alpha. That way, they can choose a puppet of their own to be Alpha and they control him however they want."

"But he didn't choose me," I chimed in.

"I honestly have no idea what my butthead friend was going to do, but I honestly believe that he wasn't going to reject you," Tyler glanced at me, while still leading the way.

"He told me he would. If I failed. But, obviously, we're here now. And I have to move on. But, what about you? Why were you kicked out?"

"You're a nosy girl, aren't you?" He laughed.

"You promised you would answer all my questions."

"Alright, you're right. A deal is a deal. But, I didn't get kicked out."

"You didn't?"

"Nope, my mate was the daughter of the Alpha of the Scarlet Guardian Pack. I left this pack, and became Alpha of the SGP."

"So, Axel thinks you betrayed him because you stopped being his Delta?"

"Not really, it's a little more complicated than that."

"Was it because you found your mate? I know that he was flipping his shit on Mason for wanting to look for his mate."

"Haha, no that wasn't the reason," he drew in a breath and then exhaled. "A lot of crap went down in Blood Venom before you came along. Actually, before Axel even became Alpha. I don't think it's my place to tell you, and it's a really complicated, long story," he smiled at me.

"Then tell me how you factor into it? Why did Axel not want to help you find your daughter?"

"Axel is a stubborn Alpha male, but trust me if he truly didn't want to help me find Emory, he would never had sent out the search parties or used Blood Venom resources. But I guess he loves us both enough to not break my heart by losing my kid and not breaking your word. And, Axel thinks that by joining the Scarlet Guardians and becoming their Alpha, I betrayed him."

"Why? Please explain it to me! I'm in this position today because I have no idea what happened with my mate, and now my heart is breaking. And I need answers. Please!"

"Quit being so needy, woman," he laughed, obviously trying to avoid giving me answers.

"Tyler! Come on! I deserve to know these things about my mate, and it isn't fair that no one tells me anything."

"I know that you deserve answers, but not from me. I'm sorry, there are things that I just can't tell you. Just know that Blood Venom went through some dark times, and many packs didn't help out. The Scarlet Guardian Pack were one of the packs who didn't. But that was before I was Alpha, however Axel can't seem to let go of that."

"Oh. Well thanks for telling me," I didn't know what to think. I had so many questions. But, I had to let that go for now.

"Okay, we are officially, right where I parked my car. We just have to go up these stairs and pull that trap door open. Are you sure you want to leave?"

"Yes, let's go."

With that, he opened the door and we walked out, got in the car and eventually ended up in his territory about three days later. I learned so much about him, including that he also had a one-year old son, Duke. He showed me a few pictures of his kids that he had in the car and they were absolutely adorable. However, I couldn't help the green monster that crept in me considering that I may never have that with Axel. I also met his mate, Gwen, and she was an absolute ray of sunshine. I felt safe here, but when I finally made it to 'my' room. I crashed on the bed and cried myself to sleep. Honestly, I needed that.

The week I was there was uneventful. I mostly hung out with Gwen and took care of Emory and Duke while their mom took a break and their dad was doing Alpha stuff. It was a nice distraction and the kids were absolute angels. Although I had a feeling that they will both grow up to be heart breakers one day.

"Dinner's ready," I heard Gwen call out from the kitchen.

"Alright, come on Dukey," I said as I pulled him up from the carpet and put him in his highchair. We sat at the table having dinner, when we suddenly hear a loud bang. I immediately see Ty cover Gwen and Emory's body with his, while I held on to Duke.

"Alpha, there are intruders. Two of them. It seemed like it was a male and his mate. What do you want us to do?" the guy who barged in said.

"Where are they?"

"We brought them to the clearing."

"Let me go see them," Tyler said.

My curiosity got the best of me again, and I followed Tyler out after giving Duke back to his mom. She seemed so strong and barely batted an eyelash at the information. I stayed far behind to see what was happening, but not get in they way. Unfortunately, Tyler's body was blocking my view, but when he moved the slightest bit, I saw that it was Mason and Victoria. Wait, what were they doing here?

"Mase, what's going on, are you okay?" I heard Tyler's worried voice.

"He kicked us out, Ty,"Mase replied. 

A/N: A little shorter than the last one, but I like this more. Some important characters were introduced in this chapter for the rest of the series. So, if you care to stick around for the Blood Venom Series, know these people. 

See you in the next update!


Micky :) <3

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