2~ the moon

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Moonlight hit Felix and Marzia as they walked out of their houses. Eventually, they arrived at the graveyard.
"Hi," Felix smiled.
"Hey," Marzia replied.

They glanced into eachothers eyes. No life was there, except for them and the nature. The time was just right.
Their lips came together, they came closer to eachother and kissed.
After a few seconds or so, they let go. Marzia smiled, so did Felix.

"I've got to go," Marzia said as she dashed out.

Felix frowned. He pulled out his phone and text her.

F:I'm sorry, I don't want to make anything weird or awkward between us. We don't have to be friends if you want.

M: no it's okay

F: Few.

Marzia, sat on her bed in tears. She was proud of herself, happy but also terrified. She had just cheated on her controlling, abusive boyfriend. James.

Felix ran home, upset, worrying that he had ruined things between him and Marzia.
"It's okay," he repeated to himself.
"It's okay," he mumbled as he walked into his parents house.

"Marzia come downstairs and answer the door," Marzia's dad shouted.

Marzia ran to the door, terrified. It was... James.

"Why are you here so late?" Marzia laughed.
"I am," he mumbled.
Marzia started breathing heavily. Tears hit her face.
"I saw you kiss him," James low voice said with a clearly annoyed tone.
"But every night your with another girl," Marzia responded while closing her door.
Tears streamed down her eyes.

Felix sat on his bed with a fake grin.
He then texted Marzia.

F: hey, u ok?
M:hi and no.
F:what happened?
M: oh it's nothing
F:FaceTime me.

Felix FaceTimed Marzia happily.

Marzia opened the call with tears streaming down her face.

"Marzia you don't deserve to cry," Felix said in a sad tone.

Marzia, just continued crying.

"So..." Marzia said, just before she explained the situation.

Marzia, went on to explain.

"I understand if you don't want to see me anymore," Felix's sad voice sighed.

"No I like it," Marzia laughed.
"I feel bad," Marzia laughed loudly.

Felix began to laugh.

They smiled at each other  through the phone

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