⋈ 1. Ground Zero ⋈

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surely some revelation is at hand,
surely the second coming is at hand


Earth, 2014: Sacramento, California

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Earth, 2014: Sacramento, California

Despite all her efforts, Elena Navarro couldn't stop herself from shaking.

"-appears that the cause of the attack was due to a...flying creature and a..large reptilian - are you sure these reports are corre -" the newscaster's voice cut off as she brought a hand to her ear piece, a look of subdued horror emerging across her face as she listened to the ongoing reports.

For a moment she had gone silent, only able to look to her co-host with her mouth agape. A silent plea towards the man sitting next to her, hoping that he would tell her that maybe, yes, this was in fact an elaborate joke.

White-knuckled, Elena set the half-empty cup of coffee on the counter as she slowly approached the sofa, all but collapsing when her eyes finally landed on the tv screen. The man sitting beside her was now speaking with one hand on an earpiece, brows deeply furrowed in confusion. Every now and then he spared quick but brief glances to his co-host and somewhere beyond the screen's point of view. Elena felt a spike of anxiety shoot through her veins like ice water.

"We're receiving word from our sources in Honolulu and the sightings have...uh, they've been confirmed - roll the footage." he spoke frantically, waving a trembling hand toward the crew behind the camera.

In an instant, the screen switched to that of a shaky phone camera. It was incredibly dim and the thin sliver the phone provided could hardly be counted as "footage" but despite this, Elena couldn't stop the wave of nausea that overtook her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't look away.

All that could be seen was a far-away view of a battle between the aforementioned lizard and winged...thing. Even through the terrible camera quality she could see the power in the creature's movements, the ferocity of every snap of its jaws and swing of its tail. She didn't need to see it up close to remember who it was. Such a being was all but forgettable.

The interview being broadcast became slurred white noise in her ears, her vision nearly fading into black had she not wrenched herself away from the sofa. As she bolted through her home, she felt a rush of chills course through her body. Pulling her phone from her pocket, she tapped on a contact, immediately pressing it to her ear as she sped down the hall. It was almost as if she were on autopilot. Her heart was caught in her throat, shoulder roughly catching on the door to her room as she sprinted for her closet. She didn't so much as flinch.

"C'mon, c'mon, pick up." she whispered through her teeth.

As she rifled through piles of clothes, she breathed a sigh of relief as the ringing on the other end of the phone stopped only to be replaced with the groggy voice of another woman.

LEVIATHAN | { godzilla: king of the monsters }Where stories live. Discover now