Chapter Twenty-seven

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Luke's P.O.V

What the actual fuck, Luke? You say something as obvious and stupid as that? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you want Chloe to find out that you like her?

"W-what?" she stammered, her face becoming red.

"I meant that I like how you challenge yourself. You're the smartest, hardest working girl I know. I wish I could be more like you," I said quickly, hoping to save my ass. "Unlike you, I don't challenge myself and I procrastinate," I laughed nervously.

"Oh," she sighed.

Thank goodness she bought it.

"You might procrastinate a little, but you're extremely smart, no doubt about that," she smiled with humor in her beautiful brown eyes.

A compliment like that coming from Chloe Claire made me feel lighter than a cloud. "Anyway, I really need your help in pretty much everything about writing this play," I said, returning my gaze to my blank word document. "I don't even know where to start."

"And this is why I'm here," Chloe smiled and began to help me.

We finished writing our plays in the span of two hours–most of it being Chloe helping me. It was amazing at how patient she was, never getting frustrated with me when I asked questions–which happened more than twenty times at least. I thanked her profusely at the end of it and she of course said it was no problem and that I would do the same for her.

On her way out, I couldn't help the urge to want to go after her and tell her to stay. I used to be okay being alone until I met her. Then I really felt alone when I was alone.

There was a part of me that wished that I had confessed that I liked her right then and there, but the other part of me screamed at me that after the shower incident it wasn't the right time. It would have made things awkward.

I sighed and put my laptop back into my room, not knowing what to do with myself afterward. All I could think about was my crush on Chloe Claire. It was inevitable that I admitted my feelings for her. I had to. I couldn't let her slip away from me twice.

"I'm baaack!" Jacob said as I heard the dorm room door open.

I walked out of my bedroom to see Jacob with a wicked grin on his face.

It was his wicked grin that said it all. He left without saying anything earlier, probably telling Chloe to just chill as she waited on me. He took the brush I was looking for and caused me to amble into the living room asking where he put it when I saw Chloe standing near the tv with frightened eyes. He had set me up.

"How was your little date with Chloe Claire?" he said as he tossed his car keys and wallet on the kitchen island.

"I know what you did, Jacob," I lowered my tone and folded my arms. "And it was pretty fucking terrible of you."

"What was terrible of me?" he asked innocently with a mischievous grin, his cold eyes boring into mine.

"You set me up earlier," I walked toward him angrily. "You took my brush and didn't even bother to warn me that Chloe was in our dorm room. That was fucking embarrassing, Jacob. My towel even dropped right in front of her!"

Jacob snorted and started laughing uncontrollably, reeling over. "Dude, that is fucking hilarious."

Anger took over me. I wanted to shove Jacob and punch him in his gut, but I held myself back. There was no point in fighting. It was out of character for me. "No, it wasn't," I said through gritted teeth, clenching my fists until they were pale white.

My Obsession with Chloe Claire: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now