Chapter 19: She is running...

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-Xavier's POV

"Dude, I think I'm in love." I snort listening to Theo after answering his call. 

"Well good afternoon Theo, I'm well... how are you?" 

"I'm a goner. I just got my ass thrown on the mat by a fucking gorgeous spitfire." I shake my head leaning back in my chair. I have been in my office for most of the day trying to get caught up with paperwork. 

"Alright, so your attracted to a woman who can kick your ass... Interesting." 

"Are you busy?" I look at the rest of the paperwork on my table and decide that I am done. 

"Nah man, nothing that can't wait." 

"I'll be at your house in... 20 minutes." 

I hang up not waiting for a response and chuck my phone on my desk. I have been trying to keep my mind busy all day. Luca has returned to his emotionless state and I tried getting him to go to the beach with me but he just shrugs. I can't believe it only took one person to get him to change... or should I say the right person. 

Heather... It is taking all my will power to not think about her every minute. I know I will be seeing her tomorrow however her thinking I was involved with Natasha was causing me to feel like shit. I want her to know that she is the only one that has been occupying my thoughts. I barely know this woman but damn... I know how she affects me and I love knowing how I affect her as well. Along with our chemistry and her amazing body, she is incredible with my son. I mean... Fuck!

"Hey man." Theo says walking into my office. I blink rapidly realizing I have been spacing out since ending his call. This is what I am talking about, I loose all my senses when it comes to her. 

"What's got into you?" I say raising my eyebrow. He throws himself into a chair in front of me and that's when I realize that he wearing his workout clothes. He is covered in sweat but smiling. It wasn't a smirk, it was a genuine smile. 

"I found a queen.. and damn if she isn't perfect." He throws his head back sighing. I chuckle looking at me friend. I had my own share of woman however he had just as many if not more. He didn't believe in relationships and he was fine with his lifestyle. Who was I to judge? However this is not how he usually is after meeting a woman. He doesn't get interested enough to mention them to me. 

"What are you talking about?" 

He pulls his head back up and outstretches his phone at me. I take it looking at it however the photo had something I wasn't expecting to see. The photos are of two woman in hand to hand combat in the middle of a boxing ring. One of the woman catches my eye and I automatically realize who it is. I stand up pushing my chair back resulting in it hitting the wall. I start scrolling through the many photos that are of the phone. It looks like my angel has a fighting side to her. My blood starts to boil when I come to some photos of her doing combat with some guy. They look like they are close... Too close. "You were with her?!?" I state raising my voice. 

His demeanor instantly changes and he pales. I stalk around my desk slowly towards him. He raises his hands in surrender. "Whoa dude, I am not talking about her. I am talking about the other woman in the photo. Do you really think I would go after her knowing how you and Luca feel about her?" 

I stop abruptly realizing he is right. I turn back to his phone. The last photos my angel looked tired. I look closer at the other woman. She has dark skin to match her dark chestnut hair. From the photos she doesn't look like his type but I said the same thing originally about Heather. I hand him back his phone. "Why didn't you call me?" 

 "I called you but when you finally answered, they were already gone." I thought about the several times I ignored his calls. I nod my head and walk over to my window looking out to the beach again. "Look man, I am not trying to get you worked up but I think you should know..." 

I turn around giving him a questionable look. He clears his throat causing my anger to begin rising. Whatever he is going to say isn't going to be good. "Tell me Theo." 

"So when Heather was working out I kept hearing bits of her conversation with her friends. You were right, she is terrified of someone getting her. Her friends kept using her fear as motivation. Phrases like Do you want to feel that helpless again, What do you do if he has you in this position, and the worst one I want you to be prepared to kill him if it comes to that. What ever she is hiding from, it's clear that she is hiding for a damn good reason if her friends comments hold any validity." 

I take deep breaths trying to ring in any control I have left. I slam my hands on my desk and throw the glass sitting on my desk at the wall. I can't believe I feel like this, I don't know her and yet I feel all rational thoughts have been thrown out the window. She is running... running from WHAT? Can she really have someone coming after her?

"Well figure this out Xavier." Theo says trying to reassure me however I still feel helpless. This woman is making feel things I have never felt before. Luca's mother was an accident but the moment I knew she was pregnant I felt obligated. It was never about love however when she decided to run out on Luca, any feelings that may have been there were long gone. Heather however unconditionally loves Luca. I don't even think she realizes it yet however she is acting as a mother should.. and damn if it isn't hot. 

"We need answers..." I say running my hands down my face. I look back at my friend who is now gripping my shoulder. He may be completely fucking annoying however he is the only one I would trust with my shit. He nods his head but doesn't say anything. I just hope I get farther with her this time. 

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