Chapter Eleven

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Jacob sits behind Catherine, her back against his chest as he leans over her shoulder to point at a photo in the album in her lap, it had been Emily's idea to swap their childhood photos, granted hers are older than his and fewer in number.

"This" he tells her. "Is from when my Dad took me and my sisters to Seattle, Rebecca got ice cream in her hair and it took him an hour to get her to stop crying" Catherine smiles. "He had to buy these earrings she'd been after for months....hmmm now I think about, I think she might have done it on purpose" Catherine laughs and looks to him, he smiles and brushes her hair over her shoulder and touches her neck. "You should smile more" he tells her, she shrugs and looks away.

"It's not like I've had much reason to lately" she mumbles.

"No I suppose not" he mumbles back, she looks to the photo album. "What was it like?" he asks. "Before Bella" she looks back to him. "Were you happy?" he asks her softly, she shrugs.

"I guess I was....content" she answers touching the page of the photo album. "I guess that's not really happy but....I thought I was at the time" he takes her hand and she looks to him. He strokes her cheek and then cups it. She closes her eyes and leans into his hand.

"What do I feel like?" he asks, she peeks at him. "Temperature wise?"

"Oh..." she closes her eyes again. "I don't know....just normal I guess..."

" a vampire? Or like a human?" he asks, she smirks and shrugs.

"Just normal" she looks to him, he smiles. "Between them I guess, not too hot and not too cold" she teases. "It's a comfortable temperature" she tells him. He brushes his thumb over her cheek. "You said I don't feel cold to you" he nods. "So what do I feel like?"

"Normal" he repeats, he smirks as she shoots him a look. He chuckles and pulls her closer. "It's comfortable" he tells her softly pressing his head to the side of hers. She pulls back and curls up against his chest, he wraps an arm around her as she flicks through the photos.


Catherine smiles as Rosalie brushes her hair, she older sister has seen a change in Catherine these last few days, she's lighter, more childlike, there's more of the human Catherine back, so Rosalie can't feel too bad about that, and she can't hate Jacob that much, someone that's brought her sister to life. Rosalie kisses her head and then pulls her hair up.

"What are you doing today?" Rosalie asks.

"I don't know, Jacob didn't say" Catherine answers grabbing a necklace from the dresser and holds it to her neck, Rosalie smirks.

"So....why are you going out of your way to look nice?" Catherine looks to her sister.

"I'm not" she argues.

"You picked up your good necklace" Rosalie tells her, Catherine looks to it.

"So?" Rosalie smirks.

"It's okay to want to be with someone, Cat" Rosalie tells her taking the necklace from her. "You are allowed to be happy, you should be happy, I want you to be happy even if it is with the mutt" she growls.

"Rose" Catherine warns. "I don't know what I want from Jacob, but right now I am happy that he is my friend and that he takes my mind off of everything, he makes me smile, and laugh, and he makes me feel wanted and special...which is something I've missed"

"I want you around" Rosalie tells her.

"No, I know" Catherine tells her sister. "But it's different when it's from him.....he doesn't want me to be his sister, he wants me to be me" Rosalie smiles warmly at her and hugs her from behind.

"As long as you are happy" Rosalie tells her. "That's all that matters....and that he knows that if he hurts you....after everything....I will kill him" Catherine looks to her sister and raises an eyebrow. "What?"


Jacob pulls Catherine closer as she steps out of the Cullen house, she raises an eyebrow at him, he smirks.

"Where are we going?" she asks as he pulls her along, as he walks backwards, her hands in his.

"It's a surprise" he tells her softly, she watches him as he smiles at her. "You look...." he smiles warmer at her, dopey and love struck. "Beautiful" she looks away and shrugs. "You do" he tells her pulling her closer, lets go of her hands to touch her face. "Catherine.." he whispers stroking her cheek. "Come on" he steps back and takes her hand pulling her along.


Jacob smiles looking over the edge of the cliff, Catherine stands at his side.

"You want me to what?" she asks him, he smirks and looks to her.

"Jump" he tells her, she raises an eyebrow.

"Why?" she asks, he shrugs and pulls her closer, wrapping his arms around her back.

"For fun" he offers with a smirk, she looks up at him.

"Fun" she repeats, he nods. "I fun" he strokes her cheek. She smirks and nods stepping back from him, looks over the edge before jumping, Jacob laughs above her, watching as she dives into the water below, she breaches the surface and looks up at him, he smiles and dives in after her. When he breaches she's vanished, Jacob looks around.

"Catherine?" he asks, she appears in front of him, he smiles and moves closer to her. "" he tells her she smiles and nods.

"It was fun" she tells him, he reaches up and brushes her wet hair from her face. "What else do you do for fun?" she asks.

"I like to run" he tells her. "In wolf games....." he looks to her and smiles. "I am guessing that's not something you enjoy doing?" she shakes her head.

"But...I guess I've never had the opportunity, it was the classics I was expected to do, you know a vampire thing, music, an instrument, reading, scholar type things....other than the wolf thing, I would like to try, will you show me?" she asks, he nods and takes her hand under the water.

"We can try anything" he tells her. "Tell me and we'll do it" she looks up at him, he smiles warmly at her. She stares at him before steeling herself.

"Kiss me" she asks of him, he blinks and stares at her.

"What?" he asks.

"I want you to kiss me" she tells him. "If you want to, I mean, you don't have.." he kisses her.

Catherine (J. Black)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz