Chapter 3

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When Jane opened her bathroom door, wearing only her towel, she wasn't expecting to find David waiting on her bed. They had a bath that joined their rooms, but David's dad had told him never to use it, to let her keep it to herself. So, David used the guest bathroom. He never complained, and she hated that he got her so worked up every time he passed her in the hall with only a towel around his waist. She hated he barely acknowledged her, and if he did, it was a tight smile. He didn't have a care in the world he was driving her hormones and heart insane.

"What are you doing here?" She gripped the towel closer to her chest as she watched him slowly scan her from head all the way to her black painted toenails.

Those sapphire eyes re-focused on her face. "Is that the new way we greet each other?"

She realized he was referring to this morning at school office. It was more than that for her, though. He used to hug her, kiss the top of her head, call her 'his Jane'. Now she was just Jane, just the stepsister. But there was no way she could blurt out how hurt she was by all of this. She had to pretend she was only thinking about this morning like he clearly was. "I didn't volunteer to help him."

"You're not tutoring him, Jane." He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. Why did he have to be so sexy doing something so simple? "I mean it."

"You're not the boss of me." She walked toward her dresser, praying he'd not notice how hot he was making her. God, why did he have to play big brother?

"But you want him to boss you around?" His reflection in the mirror was fierce, his knuckles turning white because he was making such tight fists.

Jane swallowed, because if she hadn't been his stepsister, she'd think he was jealous. "I thought you wanted to win the state championship."

"You think I can't bring that for the team?" His glare was sexy instead of frightening.

"I didn't say that." She shakily opened her panty drawer. "You're the one who said it takes the best players, and the guy taking your old spot isn't the best."

"Ryder is the guy who took my spot," he growled, standing and approaching her.

Her chest was heaving, but she could only stare at his reflection, trembling when his body heat enveloped her.

He stopped just a few inches from behind her. He'd gotten taller and even more muscular. His hair was also longer, hanging over his eyes until he did a little jerk with his head to move it. "Just tell me why you're helping him. Why are you choosing him over me?"

Now, she was confused. "David, I'll always choose you. Especially over Ryder."

He was quiet as he watched her, then he turned her around, grabbing her chin as he stared her down. "Do you really mean that? You pick me, even if he's better?"

Her heart was warring with something . . . but she smiled. "You're the bestest. Always will be."

That smile that stole her heart so many years ago appeared on his lips. "You haven't called me that in a long time. I thought I'd lost that title with you when we became . . ." His words died, but his gaze didn't. Fire that she wasn't sure was anger or desire swirled in his eyes, either preparing to destroy her or engulf her so no other could get close.

His dad's voice carried through the door. "David? Jane?"

David released her, holding his finger to his lips as he went through the bathroom, and she heard him open his main door. "Yeah?"

"Where's Jane?" his dad asked.

"I think she's in the shower," David said in a bored way that made her question whether he'd just felt what she'd started to feel from him.

Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem ((EXCERPT ONLY))Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt