Going Back Home

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Diamond's POV

"Diamond look what I just bought." Kendra told me.

I turned around to see her holding up a pair of white Red Bottoms.

"They're beautiful."

"I know right. Sarah got a pair of black ones, while Morgan got a pair of black Gucci three inch heels."

"I bet they look cute too. I'm about to go run."

"Ok, be careful."

"I always do." I walked out the door.

I have been at the Blood Moon Pack for five months. I am the strongest and fastest pack member they have. I am even better than Keith, so he let me be Beta.

Kendra, Sarah, and Morgan are my sisters that I never had, while Roger, Paul, and Keith act as if they're my big brothers. The rest of the pack memebers are really nice to me and they respect me.

I had been running for an hour before I went back home and went upstairs to my room. I put on black sweatpants and a blue tank top. I put my hair into a bun before walking back downstairs. I walked into the front room, hearing the end of a very serious conversation.

"How are we supposed to tell her?" I heard Keith ask Paul.

"I don't know, but I know Diamond wont be happy about this." Paul commented.

"What wont I be happy about?" I asked.

Paul and Keith turned around looking at me with a worried face.

"Well, are you going to tell me or not?" I asked impatiently.

Keith looked at Paul before turning towards me.

"We are moving in with a pack for awhile to help with hunters." Keith explained.

"Why would I not be happy about that?"

"Well, the pack is the Full Moon Pack." Paul said nervously.

I completely froze up. just hearing the pack name brought bad memories to my mind. I couldn't believe I had to go back. I never thought I'd ever see any of them again. I was quiet for awhile before finally speaking.

"When do we have to leave?"

"Tomorrow. So I suggest you pack tonight. I'm sorry, but we have to help them train, and you are the strongest pack member. Just know that as soon as they are trained we will come back home." Keith explained.

"Ok, I'll be fine. I'll be ready." I went upstairs to pack. I wonder how everyones going to react to seeing me. Guess I'll see when I get there.








Lots of love,


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