Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three:

I'm woken up the next morning by a loud knock on the door.

"Bryce! Jordan! Have you seen Lexi?" Jasmine calls out from the hallway, sounding extremely worried.

"She was locked out of our room last night and now I don't know where she is," she then continues, knocking again.

Bryce is already awake, and is now just staring up blankly at the ceiling.

He's still holding me tight to his chest and it seems as if he has no intentions of letting me go. He's just staring blankly up at the ceiling as he plays with my hair, ignoring the situation at hand.

When he notices that I'm awake, he gives me a huge smile, kissing my forehead quickly.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" he asks me quietly, brushing some of my hair back from my face.

I give him a shy smile, shifting in bed so that my chin is resting on his chest, allowing me to look up at him.

"Good, thanks. Did you sleep at all?" I question in return, and he nods at me, just as there's another knock.

"Jesus," Jordan grumbles.

He groans as he reluctantly climbs out of bed, stretching his arms and back before heading to the door.

"I expected to be woken up by you guys screwing last night, and I was very happy that that didn't happen. I didn't consider that I would be woken up by a hunt for Lexi instead," he comments, twisting the lock and then pulling the door open.

Jasmine rushes into the room, looking frantic until she spots Bryce and I curled up under the covers.

She lets out a huge sigh of relief, taking a seat down on the other bed where she's soon joined by Jordan.

Bryce sits up, me still seated in his lap. His hands are on my waist and he rests his head on my shoulder, causing his breath to fan out against the skin of my neck.

"I'm so sorry, Lexi. I wasn't thinking. I didn't check my phone until this morning so I didn't see your messages," Jasmine apologizes, and I shake my head at her.

"No problem. Just make sure to get your own key today so that it doesn't happen again," I tell her, and she nods rapidly.

Her hair is a mess, and she looks like she barely slept at all last night as she stands back up.

Turning to Bryce and I, she says, "I should have known that you two would be together. You're basically inseparable."

She goes to open the door again, but before she steps away, she says, "I'll actually be in the room this time. See you in a bit."

As soon as she's gone, I look down to Bryce who is staring at me intently. His hair is a little ruffled and it reminds me that I myself probably don't look anywhere near my best.

"I look horrible, don't I? I probably have mascara smudged all under my eyes," I huff, but Bryce shakes his head at me, pulling his head away to look at me.

He lifts his hands to cup my face, tilting it up towards him.

"You look great, as always. And no, actually. Whichever mascara that is, you should definitely keep using it," he says, and I giggle at his answer.

I check the time on my phone, and when it reads 6:57AM, I remember that we have to be ready to leave for breakfast at the cafeteria by half past seven.

This is why I quickly stand up out of bed, grabbing my phone before turning to Bryce.

"I should probably go get ready for today. I'll see you soon," I say to him, and he frowns at me, standing up from the bed as well.

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