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FULL NAME: Cyla Aiko Ryū

NAME MEANING: Cyla=from ancient times,
Aiko=Loved Child, Ryū= Dragon

DOES SHE LIKE HER NAME: yes, she prefers to be called Aiko though

NICKNAME: Ai, Cy, Ry(usually Ai or Cy)

GRADE: 1st year(Story), Year 9(AUD)


EYE COLOR: Red like blood, or commonly called Crimson


WEIGHT/BUILD: Hourglass-40-50kg (she won't let me say exactly how much ;-;)

HEIGHT: 165cm (I'm around 150cm in real life so I estimated my height when I'm older for this character)

SKIN: pale but not too pale, white

HAIR COLOR: White but sometimes appear a very pale blue when in the moon light.

HAIR LENGTH: when it's out her hair is about just above her butt, when she's older and stops aging, her hair is really long, I'll put an image in the end of this 'chapter'

TASTE IN CLOTHES: she usually wears dark clothes, but if she has to for a reason, she will wear any type of clothes, but she absolutely despises the color pink, but if someone she knows or cares about likes pink, she will keep quiet about her distaste to keep them happy/please.

She usually wears black tights or leggings with her school uniform, she never wears the cardigan, she wears the short skirt and wears black short shorts underneath, but if it's hot she doesn't wear anything but her underwear.

Instead of the school shoes which she refuses to wear, she wears either knee high, or mid-calf high black boots, she refuses to wear other shoes unless the situation demands it.

She sometimes wears a black hoodie, she leaves her blazer unbuttoned unless she needs to button it up.

HEALTHY?WHY or WHY NOT?: she is not entirely healthy, because of stress and other things which will be explained in the story, she has Insomnia, she appears emotionless by default, this is because of her past(which I'm not telling yet.) she skips meals because of her past, she also has a strange immunity to poisons and such.

MUSIC: usually straight up Nightcore, but she also likes to Listen to the original songs, usually she'll fight while either singing or listening to music, her battle music is usually a whole bunch of Lindsey Stirlings songs.

DAREDEVIL OF CAUTIOUS?: she is a bit of both, she cautious of her actions and her surroundings, she rarely lets her guard drop since its usually up subconsciously, but she loves to do things that cause her to smile which usually consist of life threatening of adrenaline pumping activities.

ARE THEY THE SAME ALONE: no, Cyla when alone will have her emotionless appearance and will be very respectful, she is a little short tempered on the outside, but when she is alone, she is usually still emotionless in appearance but she tends to feel depressed and cry, she usually feels obligated to show her worth to everyone and she conceals how she feels most of the time only to let it out alone.

GOOD HABITS: Subconsciously cleans and keeps things tidy, she writes down notes and things on instinct, morning runs, studying.

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