10. Bringing out the Big Guns

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As soon as the door closed behind us, Mr Ambrose turned towards me. While his face remained as expressionless as ever, there was a partly quizzical, partly intrigued, and most of all challenging look in those dark, sea-coloured eyes of his.

'You really think you can convince me to spend exorbitant amounts of money on this event? To pay for a big church, and flowers, and Mammon only knows what else your sister has cooked up in that pink, fluffy brain of hers?'

I waved his words away. 'Oh, I didn't pull you in here to talk about that.'

He blinked. 'You didn't? But...after what you said to my mother...'

'Forget about your mother. She doesn't know what's really important. After all, what does it matter if you make her cry on the day of her son's wedding, just so long as you save a few pennies here and there?'

He cleared his throat. 'Yes. My thoughts exactly.'

I nodded at him, earnestly. 'What does it matter if you smash years of cherished, long-held dreams in one instant and forever tarnish the memory of this supposedly happy event? After all, we both know all that matters is the bottom line.'

'Um. Indeed. I am gratified to hear that our thoughts on the subject coincide, Miss Linton.'

'So am I, so am I.'

'So...if that is not the problem, why exactly did you pull me in here?'

'Well...' I gazed at him fondly. 'Just a little matter that has occurred to me. I'd like to discuss it with you if you do not mind.'

'Does it involve expenditures?'

'None whatsoever.'

'Then by all means, go ahead.'

'Well...' Smiling sweetly, I stepped towards him. 'It occurred to me that, since our wedding is fast approaching, and we will soon be living together, we should start calling each other by our first names.'

'Hm. First names?' He regarded me intently. 'Are you sure that's all you wanted?'

'Oh yes. It would not only be more appropriate, but also more time-saving, especially if we use shortened versions. So, what do you say?'

'Well...' Considering, he stroked his chin. The sight of his long, elegant finger stroking along that chiselled jaw made me want to reach out, but I kept myself tightly reined in.

Stay focused, Lilly. Think of Lady Samantha. This is important!

'Hm.' Once again, that finger stroked along his chiselled chin—then, he abruptly nodded. 'As you wish. No one can say I am an unreasonable person.'

Yes. Because you'd send Karim to take them out before they could manage to get a single word out.

I pounced. 'So you agree? We're on a first-name basis now?'


A grin spread over my face. A grin of pure, delicious, devilish delight. 'I'm so glad you agree...Dick.'

He froze.

'What did you say?'

Standing up on my tiptoes, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. 'Just your name, Dicky-Wicky.'

'Miss Linton?'


'Call me that one more time and...and...'


More silence.


'What is it?' I asked innocently, although of course I knew perfectly well what it was. He'd just realized the worst thing that could happen to a man about to enter a marriage had befallen him: he had run out of threats.

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