Chapter Twenty Eight

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True to his word, a car rolls up only moments after that. I watch it tiredly, just wanting to get back to the house and rest. I don't even feel like talking to Marcello at this point in time, he drains too much of my energy.

The car ride is silent, for the most part. I've lost count of how many times I've yawned by the time the house comes into sight.

It's already gotten dark, so the glow of we several lights can be seen through windows.

I climb out of the car, unintentionally slamming it as I stomp into the house. The sight of Marcello's car sitting safely in the driveway has me fuming as I'm reminded that he left me in the middle of nowhere.

Sure, he got someone to drive me back, but I still don't understand why he would do that. He may need to see a therapist.

Says you. A small voice in my head pipes up.

I roll my eyes at myself, opening the front door forcefully, and come face to face with an empty living room.

I sigh in relief and do my best to somewhat tiptoe in the direction of the guest room I claimed.

The hall lights are shut off, leaving it to be eerily dark. I've never really been a huge fan of being in dark rooms - or halls - so, naturally, I feel a wave of discomfort wash over me.

The silence doesn't help my nerves very well either as the hall stretches on a lot farther than it usually does.

My body freezes when I hear footsteps behind me. I continue walking, hoping that whoever is walking behind me isn't Marcello. I'd prefer a ghost over Marcello at this point.

At least a ghost doesn't leave me deserted at some unknown place.

A shake my head at my trail of thought.

"Brimmy, is it?" A familiar voice sounds from behind me.

I practically jump 6 feet in the air and squeak in surprise as twirl around to face the girl that addressed me.

"Um, yeah." I say nervously, still a little breathless from getting the hell scared out of me.

"I've heard so much about you. Marie just doesn't stop talking when it comes to you and your adventures." The girl says, seemingly nice, but I can hear her mocking undertone.

My brain pauses, crashing, but reboots back up into a different motive.

If this girl wants to play like this, then I'll participate. I refuse to be pushed around.

"I'm sorry, Callow, was it?" I question, making it clear that I'm not playing nice, but faking innocence at the same time.

Her face drops, "Yes."

"Well, Callow, I'm not in the mood for your bullcrap good girl act, so you better stay the hell out of my way." I hiss, turning around abruptly and beginning to march away.

Before I can even take three steps, a hand on my shoulder halts my movements.

"I don't know who you think you are, Brimmy, but you're in my territory. You better respect me." She bites venomously.

"Oh, that's weird. Because the last time I checked, we're in Marcello's house. Not yours. So back the flip up and don't touch me again." I spit, grabbing her hand and yanking it off my shoulder.

"Marcello is mine." Is all she says.

Those three words has me frozen. I stiffly turn around to face her.

Who does she think she is?

Marcello clearly wanted nothing to do with her, so why does she think he's hers in any way?

"I think the flip not. He doesn't want you, and he made that really clear." I remind her, crossing my arms over my chest.

"And what makes you think he wants you?" She raises a condescending eyebrow at me.

"I-" I begin, but my mind doesn't come up with anything. "I didn't say he wanted me." I recover.

"But you implied it." She snaps impatiently.

I snort.

"In what way did I imply that he wants me?" I mock, feeling more amused than angry.

Marcello doesn't want me. He doesn't want anyone.

"I...I.." Now it's her turn to stutter a response.

"That's what I thought." I call out while turning around and beginning to walk away at a leisure pace.

As soon as her hand touches my shoulder again, I grab it and flip her over my body. Neat trick my uncle taught me. She let's out a loud cry once her back connects to the ground.

"I told you not to touch me." I hiss, and turn to walk away for the third time, but I run into something.

"Aw, not again. Why do all these walls keep getting in my way?" I say angrily, the only thing keeping me from falling are two arms protruding from the wall.

"Maybe it's you getting in the wall's way." Comes a familiar, gruff voice.

"Oh, Marcello, thank goodness you're here. This psycho hurt me!" Callow's voice whines from behind me.

I scoff, "This psycho told you not to touch me, and you did it anyway. You deserved it."

Marcello glances between Callow and I, seeming to process the situation.

"Marcello, can you help up? I think I broke something." Callow whines again, making weak attempts to lift herself from the ground.

"Marie, help Callow up and escort her to the room she's using." Marcello asks, and I'm surprised to find Marie standing nearby.

My eyes widen. How long was she standing there?

When she offers me a smile, I'm assuming she knows that Callow deserved it.

Once Marie has helped Callow up, Callow glares at me as her and Marie walk off.

I shake my head, turning around abruptly, only to come face to face with Marcello.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I walk past him, not in the mood to talk to him.

"Brimmy-" He begins, but I raise a hand, shutting him up.

"Nope. I don't wanna talk. I just wanna sleep." Is my response, before I turn to fully focus on walking back to my room.

My eyes widen, but it's too late to stop.

I collide with the wall, proceeding to fall, but I'm caught by the same arms belonging to the man that abandoned me at that pond earlier.

"Two seconds. I can't go two seconds without running into something."

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