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Xavier's pov.


"Get everything done by tomorrow morning" I commanded my secretary over the phone and he replied with a 'yes sir'

"Good. We'll talk about this tomorrow" I said to him and hang up.

I've been a little frustrated today because Emily was angry with me but I do feel better after she agreed to stop being angry at me but still...I know she would still be angry at me. God, I know her so well.

I was currently in my office finishing up my work for today when my mind suddenly wonders off to Emily again. I wonder what she's doing...

Looking at the time, I saw that it was almost eight so I took out my phone to send a text to Emily.

Xavier--be back by eight

I didn't want her to stay out too late because I'm afraid there's some nasty pervert out there who might do something to her. I was already angry when I imagine her just talking to a guy. Maybe a bartender or waiter.

Hmm...I wonder where Abby took her?


I frown at her reply. Why would she type random letters to me? Exiting my message app, I went to my tracker and searched for her name. I've installed a tracker just in case she's lost or try to run away.

Her name popped up and I tapped on it. The page loaded up and I tap on the map area where it'll tell me where she is. I clenched my jaw when I saw that the app told me she was at a bar'--club.

What is she doing there?!

So she's at a bar and just typed random letters to me which gives me a sense that she might be.....drunk.

Growling at the thought of a bartender actually flirting with her, I first changed into a Jean and a T-shirt, I left my office, exit the house and enter my car speeding off to the club.

Abby.....you're so dead for taking my wife there.


I pulled up at the club and exit my car before entering. There were many eyes on me as I made my way to the bar. "Mr. Stephano....looking for a lady to meet your needs?" A woman bravely walked towards me while trying to seduce me and I push her away.

"F**king putana" I mumbled to myself while I continue to make my way to the bar. There were a lot of people at the club dancing.

"Hey sugar..." another woman said approaching me. She had on a mini green dress. Her boobs were out and the dress was so short that you would think it's a top. She had blonde--fake blonde hair and long lashes while there was pink lipstick on her lips.

She looked so fake...

Comparing her to Emily, she was nothing. Emily was just natural. No plastic surgery, no fake hair, no nothing and that's what I like about her.

I ignored her and continue to pass through the crowd until I finally met the bar. My eyes scanned for Emily and I saw her talking to Abby. She was wearing ripped jeans and a black off-the-shoulder top.

I smiled because she obeyed me but then again, she can make a plastic bag look good on her.

Sighing, my eyes were met with Abby and I heard her mouthed a cuss word looking over Emily's shoulder at me.

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