||9 Past||

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Some loves it, some hates it...but what should the person do who can't hate it and love it. Irfa Zafar's past was a mixture of beautiful memories and nightmares. A past in which few beautiful memories was followed by endless nightmares. Death is inevitable, but still she had hoped that her parents, brother and grandma don't leave her. How foolish of her, hoping for turning down the destiny...it was written ages ago by the creator himself and of course she was foolish to think of defying him.

"It's human that plan and then there is Allah who plans and Allah is the best of planners. (Surah Al- Anfal)"

For sometime a person might feel that Allah SWT 's plan was not in his favor but Allah's every plan is for our good. He is all-knowing, he knows the past, present and future. Irfa too had thought that her lord was unfair as to take everyone away from her but that decision of her beloved Allah made her strong, strong enough to handle the pains of world. Yet sometimes the weak, vulnerable side of her persona overshadows her facade of being strong.

Early morning after offering salah, as usual she was strolling in the backyard. Her thoughts lingering from anything to everything.

Everything was going normal but her heart wasn't. It clenched whenever she thought of her past. Engulfed in her thoughts she was sitting near the pool with her feet touching the crystal clear pool water. The water of her eyes still more crystal than the water in front of her.

Shehreyar was a kind of person you would call rude and arrogant but no one knew what he was inside, a person who would apologize a thousand times to his loved ones for a small mistake. He had made a mistake, he had hurt someone, who was family but his guts weren't forming to apologize to her even for once. He had returned from Masjid after Salah and couldn't sleep so started looking outside in the backyard, only to find her roaming around like a solitary featherless bird.

The new revelation of her past had made him restless, he couldn't realisewhat was happening to him. He couldn't sleep...if he tried her innocent wet orbs flashed in his eyes.
She was constantly running in his mind. There were some irritating thoughts but the most sensible one was of apologizing.

"Hey Irfa. What are you doing here at this hour? It's still quite early." Khizir came and sat beside her in the same way she was sitting.

"Um nothing." Sensing her lack of enthusiasm for a talk he kept silent and just sat there with in a soothing silence. It was pleasing them but not the observer at the window.

'Why am I feeling this way seeing them together ? Whatever they do... I don't care.' He thought and went to prepare for his day.


Shehreyar Siddiqui was never left in turmoil like this but then never had he ever had an encounter with an innocent girl with wet brown orbs. He reached office and was informed that some candidates are there for interview. Busying himself in the work he tried to distract his chaotic mind.

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