Tragedy Strikes - Epilogue

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Carita sat in a tall field of grass out behind Bobby's house and just looked up and watched all of the stars that were up there, wondering where along them heaven was. She liked to think that somewhere up there, her mother was looking down and smiling at her; though from what she has heard from Sam and Dean, heaven is not a fluffy cloud but more like your own little universe that you have all to your own self. But she still likes to have her own beliefs about heaven, since Castiel has not told her anything about it.

" You know that you could get hurt out here, some creature may come out and kill you out here!" Daryl said as he sat down beside the girl, Carita instantly putting her head on his lap.

" Yeah, but I am kind of used to it by now." Carita laughed as she wrapped her hand around his larger one.

" I guess that you dad has a case for you guys to go on." Daryl said lightly, he never really liked it when they went away on cases, though he always came along.

" Well I guess that we should go inside then so that we can get all packed up." Carita said as she tried to get up, but was tugged back down by the rugged man.

" Or we could stay on here all night and just. . . look at the stars." Daryl said as he gave a wink to the girl that was now sitting in his lap.

" I think that I would lake to . . . look at stars." Carita said as she started to pull off Daryl's shirt.

" Carita! Do not make me regret taking down that devils trap and get in here!" Dean hollered from inside of the house as she could see a smile coming from his face.

" Do you think that we should tell him now or later about Vegas?" Carita asked as she looked down, there was so many things that she would have to explain to her father.

" He loved you, he will understand." Daryl said as he helped the girl up.

" Yeah, well the marriage he may understand, but I mean, the whole. . . baby thing, may be a different story." Carita said as light as she could.

" Well I guess that we will just have to fund out, now won't we?" Daryl said as he gave the girl a kiss.

" I love you." Carita said with a big smile as she placed her hand on her swollen stomach,

" I love you more, Car." Daryl whispered as they went into the house that had become a home to all of them.

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