Chapter Five: Alright, Who's Gonna Get Us A Bail?

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"SO, TODAY'S THE DAY AND TONIGHT is the night," Theo looked around at everyone and smiled. "Can you please stop? Your pep talks aren't doing me any good," Rose said, obviously nervous and irritated.

"Will? You ready?" Kai asked as he got out of the motorboat. Will gave Kai an encouraging thumbs-up as he followed suit, stepping onto the golden sand. "Alright then, ladies," Kai said winking at them. Shay rolled her eyes as he continued, "Sayonara." He said with a mock salute.

Will, Kai, and Theo started walking towards Aquariaa with duffel bags hanging on their shoulder blades. Shay watched them until they were out of her sight, squinting at the rising sun.

She stared at the footsteps on the sand, a whirlwind of thoughts in her mind. The plan was so ridiculous, Shay was absolutely shocked that she agreed to it. First, the three guys were going into the building, looking for places to sneak in, formulate a plan according to the guard's positions. Theo had found the blueprint of the entire building on the internet, and which made it easier.

After they find the best way, they would give a green signal to the girls. The girls were currently in their motorboat which was parked in a secluded corner in the beach. They were in Isle Aquarin.

Shay bit her nails nervously. It was a habit she tried her best to get rid of but could never do it, she went as far as applying nail polish on her nails but it didn't help her. The familiar sound of waves washing over the coast which usually did the trick of calming her didn't do the trick this time.

One wrong step and all of them would be thrown into jail, and Shay didn't even have a vague idea on who would get them a bail.

They didn't tell anyone about their incident with Anthony, and this plan about them sneaking into one of the most important buildings of all the Isles and stealing their data. Shay felt weird. She, who never hid anything from her mother was now going to hide something very major from her. It was weird how the centre of the axis of her world changed so easily.

She prayed with her whole heart that they would succeed in what they were doing today.

Hopefully, they would.

Shay looked down at Leo who was sitting on the crook of her knees. They wanted to leave Leo at home, but he started barking uncontrollably and loudly, and they had to bring him. Leo had never done this before: behaving cranky until they brought him with them.

She ruffled his hair slowly, but her mind was clicking at a fast pace with all the possibilities. When she had expressed her concerns to the guys, Kai had grinned at her. "Look, Shay. It's a piece of cake! We got it, alright? I'm not worried about it because half of the guards were sent to Blackwood in the light of recent events and the other half of the guards are going to attend a meeting. They won't even know we got in." Will had smiled at her reassuringly, and it did the job of reassuring her.

"We are going to the building before you to assure that nothing is wrong with our plan, and we are gonna improvise our plan according to the situation there."

Theo had grinned at her as he ruffled her hair, "The tech and the computers are ancient. We should just disable the security system and," he snapped his fingers, "we are in."

The guys said that they would manage this job by themselves- ignoring the girls' protests- but they needed the girls for a backup plan (Shay had no idea about it) and Jade for helping Theo to disable the security system of the main system containing the files.

Even after the reassuring chat she had with the guys, her worries had reduced but a flicker of uncertainty passed now and then. Rose had pulled out her book and started reading a novel she brought with her, muttering, "Well, if they are gonna take their time, it better be worth it."

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