chapter 3

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yaya -

I woke up to an unexplainable pain , from my head to my vagina . Looking around the perimeter , a red room came to my vision as my aching head pounded . Flipping my cover over I was getting ready to go to the bath room until I looked down and notice a red subtance on the bed .

I panicked and quickly looked at my vagina seeing red.

" maybe my period just came " I said wishing it to be true but i knew deep inside i just got off my peiod 9 days ago .
I ignored it and decided to go with the ' im on my period ' excuse . I got up and immediatley regretted it as my body gave up on me . My body collaspe back onto the bed making me get curious .
I tried once again and it was like my body was being pulled back onto the bed . But nobody was pulling me.
And that's when all the memories poured in to my brain .

" no no no no no no NO " i panicked while pulling at my hair .

" what " a manly voice said . I quickly snapped my head to him .

" YOU " i pointed at him aggressivly

" you did this to me , HOW COULD YOU" i screamed .

" calm your ass down " he said agressively
which made me soo mad . he wants me to calm down . NIGGA YOU JUST TOOK MY VIRGINITY . I will never calm down about this .

" NO , you just took MY virginity and you want me to CALM DOWN , CALM DOWN ?"
i said trying to get up but failed .

"fuck YOU ,FUCK YOUUUUUUUU " I screamed loudly getting angrier .
that was until a hand wrapped around my neck

" didnt i TELL yo ass to calm down " he growled in my ear .

" FUCK yo-" before i could finish my lungs were having a dificult time breathing in . he was choking me.
hell no he will not take my shit then try to kill my ass . he GOT ME FUCKED UP .
i took my hands and lowered them to his dick then i grabbed them and squeezed for my life .

" AH AH FUCK FUCK " he let me go while groaning trying to remove my hands but they were locked , and only i had the key .

" LET ME GO " he screamed in the most demonic voice i've ever heard . but that didnt stop me from letting go .

" LET GO NOW " his eyes turned black and that was my sign to run and i quickly let go and ran to the closet he told me to go to when his eyes turned a certain color . once i open the door i got in and closed the door behind me .

darkness came to my vision as i stood and waited for something to happen .
" TURN AROUND " something screamed behind causing me to quickly turn around to the voice .
but instead of finding a person to this voice i found a bright glowing arrow pointing to a direction and i followed the direction the arrow was pointing to . I ended up walking to a big door . I opened it and to my surprise it was like a candy house .

Every corner of the room had candy while tubes of gummy bears , jelly beans , chocolate , and more hung up on the wall .
i was amazed by the sight i immediatley started to eat the tube of chocolate .

" i hope you like my chocolate . " a little girl's
voice said . i looked up at a beautiful little girl standing infront of me .

" hi little girl what is your name " i asked with a stuffed mouth .

" hi mommy , my name is ikigai . "

i coughed in shock , she handed me some water off of the table in a blink of an eye .
'ofcourse she a demon to ' my brain said while i was taking the water from ikigai and chugged it down .

" are you ok mommy ? "

" I am not your mommy sweetie "

" yes you are, you are going to have me when you are 22 , my spirit is just staying here until you get pregnant with me . thats what daddy said . "

i looked at her in shocked , she knew alot at such a young age .

" h-how old are you "

" im zero " she laughed "im not born yet mommy "

" come here sweet heart " she walked over to me and i reached my arms out to hold her but i couldnt . It went straight through her .

" your a g-ghost "

" no mommy i am a spirit , who is waiting to be born by my soul opener . my father chose you "

" you-your father ? "

" bhris chose you mommy "

" why would he choose me i don't know him" i questioned her.

" i dont know , i just know daddy said if a woman ever comes into this room she is your mother"

" but im not"

"he also told me i was still in his pee pee, but if a woman came in here im am in your stomach" she said while swinging back and forth with her arms behind her back.

" but I-I can't be your mother i never had s-" and thats when it hit me.
He planned this shit out, he planned to kidnap me, he did all this shit on purpose.
I started to grow angry, i was livid.
He used me, controlled me, and tricked me.
I was getting ready to scream, that was until ikigai ran to the corner scared.

" wh-what's wrong" i walked up to her as she covered her eyes with her arms. What i was witnessing broke my heart ; if anybody knows me they know I love kids.

" did i scare you?" she quickly shook her head saying no.

" then whats wrong mama" i asked her. I watched her lift her arm up and point at the door. I slowly moved my head to the area she pointed at which was the door and did not see anything.

" i dont see anythi-" i was cut off by her screaming crying saying "daddy no".

I held her in my arms as she hid and cried in my arms. I slowly looked at the door again and there he was the devil.

It frightened me, it truly did but i could not be scared because of her , i had to show her i was not afraid of him and he was not going to hurt us.
I stared at the door and looked into his eyes which was black ; showing him i was not scared. Or trying to show i wasn't, but i knew deep down inside, i was scared shitless.
I put her down onto the floor and faced her into the corner walls.

"stay here" i whispered in her ears. She nodded her head and that was my cue to turn around and face this devil.

I stood at the door not going outside of this room at all.

" what do you want"

" my child is coming soon"

" s-so, that has nothing to do with me"

" oh yes it does"

" and would if i killed the chil-"

He ran up to the door trying to get in but it was like this room was not letting him. It was hurting him. Turning him back human. He banged hard on the opened door way. The door was opened for me but for him it was like an invisible unbreakable glass was in the way.
After noticing he could not get in he chose to stop and calm down.

" you kill that baby, i will torture your soul" he said sending chills to my arms. And with that he walked away.

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