Final Note

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Hi guys, Spiszy here!

I want to give a massive thank you to all the readers of Widow in White. Particularly those lovely people who were there cheering me on from the beginning. Nothing motivates me more than people begging to know when the next update comes!

Maybe some of you are wondering what I'm going to do next. Well, what I'm not going to do is publish Widow in White! Like Lady in Rags, it will remain up here on Wattpad for anyone who wants to read it. But am I going to continue writing? Of course!

In fact, I've already started my next novel. It's called An Impossible Deception and it's about an entirely new set of characters. This time, I'm going to be doing something a little different though. While I'm still going to be serializing it on Wattpad, it's going to be a part of the Wattpad Next Beta program.

What does that mean? Well it means that An Impossible Deception will be available only to paying readers. I know that not everyone can afford to pay for all the novels they want to read (that's why a lot of us are on Wattpad in the first place, isn't it?) but a number of readers have expressed interest in supporting me and I want to see where this goes.

You can read more about the Wattpad Next Beta program at this link:

For those of you who aren't able to or don't want to pay for Wattpad stories, don't worry! Only An Impossible Deception is slated to be a part of the program. Lady in Rags, Widow in White, and At First Light will always remain free and available for all to read, and over summer I'll be publishing another short story on Wattpad as well.

Once again, thanks for being such persistent, positive, lovely readers :) Oh, and for those of you who are wondering how many children Laura and Richard would end up having, it's three: two boys and one very spoilt little girl. But their stories will remain unwritten!

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