Chapter Twenty-One

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"What do you mean she's missing?" Charity felt as if the world were closing in on her. Julian must have sensed her precarious state, for he pulled her close to his side, silently lending support.

Ant joined them, stopping next to Rogers. "Miss Hollings went to check if they were up from their nap," he explained. "She went to the kitchens to have a small meal. She was gone not more than fifteen minutes. When she came back, Phoebe and Catherine were gone. We found Miss Catherine near the tree line out back. She was crying, and we couldn't make out her words. She'd only point toward the trees and sob for 'Bee-bee.' Phoebe has yet to be found."

The only thing Charity could do as she listened to Ant's recount of events was shake her head in disbelief. Her legs felt as if they'd give at any moment. She was grateful for Julian's hold.

Julian took charge, firing questions at Rogers and Ant. Worry about what her girls had gone through; what Phoebe was still enduring buzzed in Charity's mind. It made it difficult to concentrate on what was being said.

No matter how Julian asked, the other men still had no additional information. Giving Charity's hand a squeeze, he went on the offensive. "Ant, why don't you see about forming a search party?" Lord Blakemoor departed, then her husband turned his focus on her butler. "Rogers, why don't you have Miss Hollings bring Catherine to the patio?"

"Yes, m'lord," the butler surprised both his employers by saying. Then, after bowing, he went to find Emma.

Julian turned to Charity once the old man took off at a more sedate pace than the earl. "I need you to calm Catherine while Blakemoor and I help search for Phoebe," he explained.

Charity was about to demand a part in the search. She knew Julian was manipulating the situation so he could keep her safe at Breeley Court.

"It sounds as if you're the only one capable of calming Catherine," Julian said over Charity's forthcoming protest. "Besides, you're still recovering from being poisoned." His voice dipped low as he said the last.

Seeing capitulation in Charity's eyes, Julian tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and began walking down the path.

"You were assured of my recovery only moments ago," Charity huffed as she allowed Julian to steer her toward the house. Knowing he was correct in having her stay behind did not mean she was accepting of the situation. She wanted to look for her daughter and would not be at peace until Phoebe was found.

"I was about to suggest you being put to bed before Rogers interrupted," Julian informed Charity with a wink.

It was apparent her husband was trying to distract Charity from her fear and worry. It may have worked were the situation not so dire. From the tense set of his shoulders, she knew Julian didn't feel as light as he would have her believe.

"Is that so?" Charity decided it may help to calm his nerves if she played along.

"Oh definitely," Julian cast her a wicked grin. "We'd be snuggled between the sheets at this very moment."

A breath caught in Charity's throat as she grasped her husband's meaning. Clearing it, she decided it best to keep things light. "With you snoring in my ear."

Julian feigned offense, "I do not snore."

"Our household would beg to differ."

At that, Julian chuckled. "As I said, I do not snore. But you madam," he wisely only implied the impossible and did not finish that sentence.

"I what? Am perfect in every way and would never make such disgusting, unladylike noises?" Charity returned.

They'd reached the patio, and Julian saw Charity seated before continuing their nonsensical discussion. "That is precisely what I was going to say." He lowered his voice and whispered conspiratorially in Charity's ear, "I think it's Rogers who has the problem."

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