18- Giridhar's Meera told me

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A/N: This poem is not exactly mine. But is a combination of both my own imagination merged with Meera Bai's phrases (translated to English) which have over the years of my life captured my heart


The arrow of that glance pierced my chest

The dagger of His love cleaved my heart

The dagger that blossomed to a creeper

That I watered with the tears of my eyes

The dagger of His and the tears of mine

Have made me pale with longing

Sickly pale and deathly illness

And everyone believes I am ailing

But ailing I am each second of my life

Only from the Love of my Dark Prince

Doctors from city, doctors from town

Doctors from countries all around

I laugh at their ignorance

They peep into my eyes,

Monitor my pulse,

And prod my stomach and limbs

Yet I laugh at their folly

For they don't know

That the problem is in my heart

Go home doctor!

And bring me Radha Raasvihaari

For it is the name of God that has wounded me

Thirsty for drinking the sight of Him

The sweetness of His lips

An ocean of bliss and nectar

The only thing that I've forever craved

Go home everyone

My Lord is the Dark hued Prince

Who'll feed me nectar again and again

I am bound to him by the thread of love

Love like that of a diamond

That shatters the hammer 

Which seeks to shatter it

None but Him can see in the 

Darkness that lightens up my heart

Prakriti of Blue lotus thrives in the water of Purush

Likewise, I dwell in the heart of Raasvihari

All the letters that I've sent Him

Have always remained unanswered

Perceptive silence, for both of us...

Giridhar's consort, Meera once told me

That the heat of midnight tears will take me to Him

I smiled at her and told her that

Why heat? Biting coldness will work the same

Because reaching Him even in death

Is still reaching him in the end.

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