Chapter 14: Candis

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I followed Candis into the forest. I'm guessing that she was the one that Dominic told to escort me to the safe house. As we walked, I was busy thinking about my brother.

"Are you okay, Wes?" I mind-link.

"Yes, I'm with my teacher and our class" he responds a minute later.

I let out a sigh of relief and turn to Candis who had a worried look on her face. I'm guessing the Rogue attack is causing a lot of apprehension in the pack.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm good" She says with a forced smile.

"Okay" I skeptically say.

"I saw your situation with Tati the other day. I can't believe she thought she could arrest you" Candis changed the subject.

"Yeah she's crazy. I don't know why she thought she could do that"

My eyebrows furrowed as deeply thought about that day. I don't remember seeing Candis that day but given all the chaos, I might have not been paying close attention to my surroundings.

"Given the history she has with the Alpha, maybe she thought she had power" Candis says.

I turn to look at her with confusion as we walk to the destination.

"What history?" I ask.

"There were rumors going on around the pack. They have been quite friendly with one another. Apparently, she even got pregnant by him. Some people say that she gave birth in secret and was forced to give it for adoption. There might be a secret Alpha blood baby somewhere" Candis reveals.

Her words had me so overwhelmed. I couldn't describe how unsettling those words felt. Anyone in my position wouldn't feel good about those words but I still kept a calm composure.

"Oh wow" I say nonchalantly.

"Yeah but that's all they are, just rumors" she says.

"Yeah rumors. Maybe they are even mates" I suggest.

"Maybe" she reply with confusion all over her face.

We arrived at the underground sanctuary and I saw my brother who was chatting with a group of his friends so I decided to let him have fun. I saw Jerome who hugs me and Amora who was one of the pack warriors that were guarding the safe haven.

I walked over to her. We still haven't spoken since she found out about who my mate was. She gave me a frown and turn away from me.

"I thought we were friends, Salina" she mutter.

"We are" I reply.

She scoffs and gave me a disappointing look.

"I hope you didn't tell anyone" I mindlink her the words.

"I didn't. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't tell anyone. You already knew how I felt about mates. Just imagine my surprise when I found out that not only was my mate in this pack but he's the Alpha too" I explain.

She lets out a small laugh.

"Wait. Why are we mind linking?" Amora ask perplexed.

"Prying ears. The traitor is still on the loose. I can't tell anyone I'm Luna. For now, I'm just a regular wolf. I need to be undercover to investigate this situation"

That whole time, we talked about how I met Dominic. The amount of mind linking was hurting my head a little.

"You ran away from him!" She exclaims and laughs out loud. I nod my head.

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