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After school, I decided to head to the library. Just to find a good book for English class. As I walked by the shelves I noticed a girl sitting at the head table. Reading a book. But she seemed... Scared?... Shaking hands, fast breathing, and eyes widened. I looked at the title of the book. 'Devil Woman'. Is that story that scary? It doesn't seem like it is looking at the cover.

I headed to the horror genre. And surprise, surprise! I found the same book! My hand grabbed it and I walked back to the table. Sitting next to the girl. Giving her a quick smile before opening the book. The entire left page was covered with one single photo... A photo of me. When I just grabbed this book. My eyes couldn't believe it. But my curiosity took me further. I turned the page.

It was me... Again. On the left page. This time it was a photo of the receptionist scanned this book. And I was standing at her desk. Again, I turned the page.

That next photo sent shivers down my spine. It was the same as the previous one. Except that here the receptionist had devil horns and pushed a blade trough my head. I was scared. Just as scared as the girl next to me.

But who would knew that the receptionist was reading also the same book? But her pictures where showing her killing us at the table...


The more we read...
...the more things we're unaware of.



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