Chapter 9

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Before Texas left this morning we exchanged numbers. He was incredibly sweet staying behind to help me take the heavy pans out of the oven. After lifting them he promised to come by early every morning to help.

"Damn it these are too heavy for you to be lifting! Your tiny and your pregnant Lilly you need to be taking it easy! Not lifting pans that are half your weight! Why didn't you ask for help?" He demanded as he gently moved me out of the way so he could take over the heavy lifting.

I had laughed at him as he continued to swear through my entire morning routine. By the time he left for his own job he was a little irritated with me and my "lack of personal care."

As ridiculous as he was his care for my well being made me warm and fuzzy all over. No one has ever cared about me like that.

My parents never payed enough attention to anything I did, to care about me. My Mom literally thought I was going to school to be a teacher.... I'm still not sure where teacher came from but no matter how many times I corrected her it was still "I'm not sure why you want to wipe snotty noses and sing your ABC's for the rest of your life. What am I going to tell the girls when they ask what you do?!?!"

And then there was Red who never cared if I was hurting as long as he felt like he was getting enough love from me. Hell most of the time he was the cause of my pain. I'm not sure he ever even asked me "how are you feeling?"

No one has ever made me coffee before, pulled a pan out of the oven for me, or fussed over me "working too damn hard!" No one has ever brought me to an orgasm in my kitchen. No one has ever cared. Does that mean Texas cares?

It does not matter you do not need anyone to care. I remind myself but that does not mean that I can't be thankful. Because if I am being honest this is the first morning my back does not hurt from the lifting pains.

Pulling out my phone I send him a quick thank you. A couple hours later at what I am assuming is his lunch break I get a reply.

Texas: For what?

Me: Taking the time to help this morning, it means a lot.

Texas: You shouldn't be doing it alone. You need to hire someone to help in the mornings. You work too damn hard.

Me: I have someone starting in a couple of weeks, they will stick around until Zaylee is 6 months old or so.

Texas: Good. Do I know him?

Me: Maybe? And it's a her, she is a college student but is coming back for the summer. She is going to be taking her first semester off so she can save up money and figure stuff out....

Texas: Good didn't want to have to beat some punk ass kid up for looking at MY woman.

His woman? Someone does not play well in the sand box.

Me: Who says I'm yours? Last time I checked I belong to MYSELF.....

Texas: All in good time, your just stubborn...

Ignoring the last text because you can't argue with crazy I change the subject.

Me: What should I wear tonight? I am assuming we are taking your bike... It will be my first time on one.

Texas: Like Hell we are! You are NOT riding on the back of my bike! Not while you have that princess in your belly it's too risky.

I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat. His obvious care for my unborn child's well being is probably the hottest thing a guy could do at this point in my life.

Me: Okay but I can I have a ride after she is born? What are you going to pick me up in? Do you own a car?

Texas: Hell yeah! You will look good on the back of my bike! ;) And no I thought that grand theft auto would be a fun first date adventure....

Me: Never been to jail could be fun although orange really isn't my color.... :-|

Texas: Every color is your color... But I guess we will just take my car instead. :'(

Me: Good plan so back to the first question what do I wear?

Texas: Wear that dress that you wore to dinner that night at the diner with Kelsey and the girls. You looked beautiful, it's my favorite besides the green one you wore at the gender party thing.

Is it possible for my heart to jump out of my chest? Is this guy for real how does he remember what I wore two weeks ago! He wasn't even eating with us, I didn't even see him there!

Me: Okay Mr. Creepy Stalker ;)

Texas: Okay, I can't wait to see you tonight beautiful. :-* ..... And I'm YOUR Mr. Creepy Stalker

Me: Who knew you were such a charmer?

Texas: You still have a lot to learn.... I will see you at 6.

The day goes by painfully slow after I put my phone away. I catch myself watching the clock as the minutes slowly trickled to hours. Its painful.

When 4:30 rolls around I'm basically kicking people out of the bakery. Earning me some suspicious looks from Megan and Summer but I am too wound up to care. I have to get ready!

Looking myself over in the mirror I check my appearance for the thousandth time. I do not want to look bad. I push my glasses up and wish for contacts but I just can't afford them right now.

I am so nervous. This is my first date.... Ever.

Red was my first boyfriend and he only ever met me outside of work. He never actually took me anywhere (besides Pennsylvania but Hell I even drove myself there!) He used to say it was a waste of money and time to go on dates. He also said pet names like "honey, baby, darling" are stupid.

I used to agree with him on all of those things but now everything is changing. I can't help but feel excited that Texas thinks I am important enough to waist a little money and time on. And my heart skips a beat when he calls me all of those cute little names. I know it's silly but it makes me feel special.

Looking at myself one more time I go to the door and wait. When I hear the nock I almost jump out of my skin! He actually came!

Rushing to the door I probably open it too quickly but everything slows down when I take the man behind it in.

Texas's large body fills the door frame, he really is a big man. A tall, dark, tattooed, handsome man. He has a bouquet of flowers in his hand and I swoon. Another first.

"Those are beautiful!" I gush! "No one has ever given me a gift besides your sister before!" I smile like an idiot as I burry my face in them and take a deep breath of the floral scent.

Looking up at Texas's suddenly grumpy face I can't help but wonder what I did wrong. Good job Lilly your first date and you have already messed it up! Damn it.

Trying to save the date I apologise... "I'm sorry for upsetting you Texas. What did I do wrong?!?!" I can hear the panic in my voice as my body starts to tense. I always ruin everything.

Stepping into my space I flinch when Texas reaches out to me. Seeing the hurt in his eyes I curse myself again before I purposely step into his space.

"I'm sorry I didn't..." I whisper looking down at my feet.

"No I'm sorry." He interrupts my apology. "I'm sorry that no one has ever had the since to treat you right. You deserve the world baby girl and it just makes me mad that I'm the first person who is going to try and give it to you."

Looking up at the dreamy biker I can't help but blush. I send up a prayer that the world he is going to give me will always have him in it.

I hope you guys enjoyed the next chapter will have their date in it!!!!!

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