*Hot Encounters*

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*Hot Encounters*

(Amelia's P.O.V)

Coffee. The one thing a person cannot live without.

I shoved my cup under the coffee machine and tapped my fingers impatiently on the worktop as I waited for it to do it's magic.

A moment later, I held a brimming mug in my hand. Swirls of steam glided off the surface of the dark liquid. It was scolding my hand, so I planned to carry it quickly back to my newly assigned desk.

Pushing open the door with my free hand and clutching the mug painfully in the other, I was too concentrated on not sloshing my drink everywhere to notice the approaching figure. Until-



"Oh my gosh!" I gasped as I watched the steaming coffee slosh through the air like a whirlwind and deposit itself all over Reid's vest. His face contorted in pain and bewilderment and I started with panic.

"I am... Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I really should have been paying-"

"It's... It's fine!" He protested, forcing a smile, though his teeth still gritted in pain. And some degree of nervousness clouded his sparkling eyes. Again!? Why was this guy so panicky around me? I cast my thoughts back to the momentary flicker of attraction between us, but with him avoiding my gaze and trying to wring out his vest, I concluded it must have been conjured by my hopeful imagination. He felt no attraction towards me, that was clear.

Snapping back to the situation at hand, I spun on my heel and raced to the coffee machine. Napkins! Thank the Lord for napkins! I grabbed over a dozen and rushed back to Spencer, trying to drag his damp clothes from his skin. God, it must be scolding him like hell!

I hastily smothered his jumper with the napkins and set about mopping up most of the spill. All the while, he didn't look the slightest bit angry. My heart jolted.

"Hey, that's... that's fine. I'll go get cleaned up in the, er, restroom."

I paused, staring at him. "You sure?" I gasped breathlessly.

My first day and I've already embarrassed myself in front of the handsomest guy here... and almost killed him.

He nodded, still peeling the vest from his damp skin.

"Can I help at all?" The panic started to subside.

He shook his head, turning to leave, but then paused. "Actually, could you, er, make me a, uh, coffee? Five sugar cubes... please." Then he strode away with coffee dripping from his clothes.

I stared after him, dumbfounded. Five Sugars?!

I glanced at the floor, spattered with coffee stains and grabbed some more napkins.

Moments later, with two more coffees in hand, I cautiously slipped through the doors and back into the BAU office, where I was greeted with raised eyebrows and amused glances.

Damn it. They must have heard everything.

I impassively sauntered to my desk, opposite Reid's and swiftly deposited the coffees on both, before confronting Prentiss - gazing at me expectantly - in a hurricane of words.

"Yes yes I spilt my coffee all over Reid and he didn't seem the slightest bit fazed apart from the subtle pain hidden in his eyes and yes I'm embarrassed 'cause I screwed up on my first day but you know it happens and oh gosh why am I so clumsy that never would have happened if I payed attention! Goddamn it." I paused for breath, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. Had I made it worse?

Silence reigned. Then Emily laughed. She merely chuckled and clapped me on the back.

"You're embarrassed?! How about poor Reid?"

Damn, I never thought of that. I wanted to slap my forehead, but instead stuck to groaning.

"He's going to hate me forever!"

Prentiss shook her head sincerely. "Reid forgives easily. And you said so yourself - he didn't seem angry, right? Just... do something to make it up to him, yeah?"

I finally inched my head up to meet her eyes. She was serious, though a subtle flicker of amusement passed through her features.

"Okay, but what can I do?"

She shrugged. "You'll figure it out. Now, here's some paperwork. Get it done quick and you can go early." Prentiss handed me a stack of folders and I suppressed a sigh. I forgot about the boring parts of the job. "Unless we get another case, anyway."

Then she returned to her desk, and I slumped down at mine.

This was going to be a long first day.

*Haha, omg. I loved writing this scene ;) But I think I mentioned coffee way too many times; I don't even like coffee!

How did you guys like it, anyway? Please vote and comment! And spread the word to fellow Criminal Minds fans - I'd really appreciate it!*

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