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Thessan waited in the ring with an unfortunate group of males, the sun gleaming on his bound dark hair, sweat already glistening on his tanned skin, but the smirk that formed on Reyna's face when she saw the General after the memory of yesterday's encounter was just enough for her to realize everything was going to be fine. Even her mother's presence as she stood outside of the training circle seemed to give her an extra boost in her step as she approached.

Today was another day, and with the determination written plain across her face, she silently wished Thessan all the best.

He was going to need it.

Reyna watched the recruits already standing within the ring, waiting for their turn again the General, and a part of her wanted to show them how soft they were, how much further they had to go. How much harder they would need to train to be a Warrior like Thessan. Like her father. But instead of joining then, she stood just on the outskirts of the circle, just close enough for Thessan to know she was there and she was ready as she stepped into her knife belt and buckled the straps the across her waist and thighs.

Her mother stood on the opposite side of the ring- whether this was part of her morning errands or not, Reyna wasn't going to take the time to find out as flung her dark braid over her shoulder and stepped into the ring.

She knew he saw her as he deflected the blade of one of the scrawniest males of the bunch before thrusting the pommel of his blade into the youth's chest, sending his sprawling to the ground with an audible 'oof!'

Thessan snorted and rolled his eyes. "I've sparred with Princesses with better footwork than you lot!"

The cheap shot had Reyna clenching her fists where she stood.

Thessan grumbled disdainfully, motioning for the youth to get up and leave, and that was her signal to enter the training circle.

He stared at her flatly but raised a brow. "Didn't your parents ever teach you manners? Wait your turn," he said with a smile that was every bit a mockery of politeness and servitude.

Matching Thessan's smile with a saccharine one all her own, she unsheathed the blade at her back. "Oh, my apologies- were you busy? Of course, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but we're not done yet."

The recruits took that as their signal to move out of the way, and they immediately escaped their proximity as Reyna and Thessan turned towards each other.

"Your father should have taught you a lesson in quitting while you're ahead," he said as he artfully flipped his blade in his hand, more for show than necessity.

"You know my father- quitting was never an option."

And with her blade ready, she charged at the General, knowing the new recruits watched, knowing her mother observed the exchange, and knowing Thessan would want to put on a show for all them as much as she did.

Being watched only added to their flair for the dramatics. It made the viewing more enjoyable for all parties involved. It was a deadly dance they practiced often- matched partners in potential pain.

But as she lunged with her blade comfortable between her hands, he was ready. Gracefully he feigned right, but her expectations of his dodging left tripped her up as he did indeed step to the right. She was too late to recover, knowing well he used the same moved the attempted with him the day before.

She never would live that one down, not as he brought the flat of his blade around to the backs of her knees before retreating to the other side of the ring, taking up a defensive stance.

The momentum knocked her to her knees, but she recovered quickly, jumping to her feet smoothly as she pivoted to face him.

"That's why he nearly didn't come back from a few mistakes he made," Thessan growled as he prowled around Reyna, circling her before she could lunge at him again. "You'd be wise to learn from his mistakes."

The Heir and the GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now