Isen Confronts Mr. Bex

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Isen stood in front of Algol, his chest heaving up and down as a distant figure began to make his way from the darkness.

Fresh blood trickled down Isen's jaw, landing in a puddle that had accumulated at his feet.

Mr. Bex was cautious, and though he would not show his true feelings at the moment, he beamed with false pride as he sauntered towards the terrifying being. Algol hissed at the sight of the man he and Isen were sure to kill, but not before hearing what he had to say.

"You're Isen. And you're Algol." The man rubbed his chin with curiosity, "I think you're the ones I should thank for bringing so much destruction to our world."

"You have no one to blame but you and your kind." Isen responded, his fingers twitching as he defiantly took one step forward, "Wars, murders, pollution, greed- those things and more have led to this planet's downfall."

Mr. Bex scoffed, shuffling back a bit, "So you think killing all of us is going to save Earth? God gave us this world to keep!"

"You were given dominion, not domination over everything Earth offered you. She provided so much for your kind, and you all thanked her with chemicals and death."

Algol stepped out to one side, falling on all fours as he licked his salivating jaw, "The end has come for Earth. A New Beginning approaches."

Mr. Bex felt a trickle of sweat crawl down his face. He suddenly rose up his hand, threatening the two otherworldly beings with a slight shake in his voice, "My men are already in position. If you hurt me, they will kill you."

Algol did not care for himself, but he was more concerned about Isen. He tried to conjure a plan to destroy the spotlights, but even if he teleported to each one, there would be a chance the humans would ignite them for a split second amidst the chaos. It would only distract Isen and throw him off guard. They would shoot at him and...

Algol tried to think of something better, but the only thing he could do for now was stall.

Hidden in the shadows, a determined yet sickly looking Farrah limped behind a couple of bushes. She tightened her grip on the shotgun, studying a guard who was only a few steps away from her. His hands gripped on tight to the spotlights handles, eyes focused on Mr. Bex as he waited for the signal.

Farrah would've shot him right then and there, but it would only warn the others and they would begin their attack.

She looked around for some sort of rock to smash the guards head, but she couldn't find a good one. There were only small pebbles and dirt lying around her.

"You once had a wife," Algol spoke to Mr. Bex, searching through the man's memories, "She was killed during the Purification, wasn't she?"

Mr. Bex's eyes grew ten times their size, and for once in many years, he found himself unable to withhold the strong demeanor he had presented to everyone. He blinked rapidly, struggling to keep the bitter tears from running down his cheeks.

"That is none of your concern."

"You abuse your offspring, your power, and now turn against those you do not understand." Isen cut in, the short fur all over his body rising up as he dug his claws into the ground. "And for what reason? Do you think countless cruelties will bring a dead woman back?"

"Shut up!" Mr. Bex's hand shook as he rose it higher, seemingly prepared to send it crashing down and give the signal of attack.

In the background, Farrah had given up her search for a rock big enough to knock someone out. She could sense something coming. With it, an unwanted wave of anxiety was beginning to rise deep in her chest. She looked at Isen from her hideout and her heart froze.

His head was turned in her direction, and his jaw was beginning to open as if he were ready to say something. She reached out her hand towards him, wanting nothing more than to stop time itself.

Isen glanced away from Farrah and looked directly at Mr. Bex. For a moment, none of them made a sound, but they knew what was coming.

"Isen," Algol began, speaking low enough for only his friend to hear, "Don't you dare do anything stupid."

"I guess this is where humanity ends," Mr. Bex spoke, quietly at first and without any emotion. There was an empty look in his eyes as he swayed from side to side, seemingly unstable. With a short sniff, he looked directly at Isen's face and tried to suppress a dry, short laugh. "We've really fucked up."

Isen didn't respond, but they both knew. Mr. Bex's voice cracked as he wiped his tear stained face, trying to regain composure before the inevitable occurred. "So tell me this. Why didn't we all die when you came? It would've saved you the trouble of having to hunt us down one by one." His words ended in a bitter tone, but he was honestly curious.

"If we killed every one of your kind, there will be no New Beginning." Isen responded, his claws elongating, "Whether you know it or not, human, you are an important asset as well."

Algol reached out for Isen's arm, realizing what was about to happen. He wanted to pull him back, but it was too late.

Mr. Bex sent his hand crashing down with an angry yell. Isen lunged at the cruel man at the same time, his jaw opening wide as he aimed straight for his head.

Farrah watched the scene unfold before her in absolute horror. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion- the lights switching on, the deafening sound of bullets firing repeatedly...

She immediately rose up, shouting with all her might as she pointed the shotgun at the man in front of her. He couldn't even hear her, but before she had time to fire, the weapon was yanked from her hand.

It was Skye.

Farrah was prepared to fight him off, but it appeared she wouldn't have to. He loaded the shotgun and fired it off at the man before him.

The guard dropped dead in a pool of meat and blood, but Skye wouldn't stop there. He immediately took control of the spotlight, pointing it at the other positions where the others continued to fire. When they were blinded, he moved to the machine gun next to him. It worked like any other gun, except it fired fairly large bullets. Yet another product of Mr. Bex's cruelty. 

Skye began to pull the trigger at the other guards who were now shooting back at him. He ducked and didn't flinch despite his spotlight being destroyed. Even without something to light his way, the man had a good idea on where the other's positions were.

Farrah hunched down and covered her ears, trying to block out the noise of chaos erupting around her. She wanted to run out and see what was going on, but she was too frightened to face the outcome of the battle.

Seconds passed, but it felt like hours.

Farrah didn't even notice the noises of war had stopped until a warm hand pressed against her back. She quickly looked up, resting her palms on the ground as she stared at Skye. He seemed fairly traumatized at what had just happened, but he was trying his best to hold it all together.

"It's okay. My people are dead," he mumbled, staggering to one side as realization settled in. Farrah didn't know what to say, but all she cared about was getting to Isen's side.

She stood up on her two feet, limping away from Skye as she desperately tried to find her way through the thick smoke that had suddenly engulfed the area.

Silence was all that was left of Haven, and it made Farrah's fear grow worse. With all the strength she had left, she cried out for Isen and wouldn't stop until she stumbled upon something.

When she laid eyes on what she had discovered, Farrah's breathe stopped and a loud scream escaped her gaping mouth.

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