II: The Prince of Waves

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???'s POV

The summer sun hung high in the sky, the heat beating down relentlessly. The green of once lush grass had all but browned and withered into nothingness, charred and limp. "Take this!" the sun seemed to say, lashing out flames at me as I fought underneath it.

Thwack! Thwack!

The sound of wood rang out loud as I caught a heavy blow from the Sun's chosen warrior. I grunted at the sudden weight I had to bear, gritting my teeth.

"Surender now, Prince of Waves, or suffer the consequences!" My enemy threatened, applying more strength and I was forced onto my knees.

"Never!" I yelled back defiantly. "I'll only surrender when I'm dead!"

"Is that so?" The Warrior grinned wickedly, raising a hand. "Then...prepare yourself for a fate worse than death!"

Purple eyes glared right into flaming green eyes, determined not to lose. "You don't scare m-!"

I was tackled to the ground before I could even finish my sentence.

"Death by tickles!"

"Wah! No! Anything but that!"

We rolled and rolled and rolled as I struggled and struggled and struggled, all the while laughing maniacally as if my life depended on it. I swatted, pushed and slapped the hands away, but they seemed to come back with a vengeance.

"GET OFF!" I screamed.


The nearby lake responded to my screa- I mean call- and a mighty wave rose from it to swallow the Sun Warrior. He let out a surprised yelp as he went 'plop' into the water, sputtering a few seconds later when he re-emerged.

"That's what you get for messing with me!" I smiled, victorious. "I win!"

"Oi, oi, Arius I thought we agreed to not use our elements!" The bitter Sun Wa- I mean my best friend, Dan Azeal, crawled out of the lake, glaring at me. I shrugged it off, sticking my tongue out at him.

"That's what you get for attacking me!"

Dan rolled his eyes. "I just tickled you for 5 seconds!"

Heat started rolling off of the drenched Dan as flames curled and swirled all around him. Within seconds, he was dry.

"Still attacking." I countered, firm. "Be glad I haven't reported you for lèse majesté!"

"What in Arraxus even is that?" Dan's brows scrunched up in confusion. I smirked at him.

"Impertinent child..." I clicked my tongue, using the tone my Father uses whenever I've done something I shouldn't. It's rare though.

He huffs, sounding slightly irritated. "Please stop using big words."

"Your insolence astonishes me!"

"...do you even know what the words mean?"

"Of course I do!" I replied confidently. "You civillised lasagna!"

Dan just about had enough of me and I was chased all the way inside, screaming more nonsen- sophisticated words while dodging his infamous tickle attacks.

Down long winding corridors we go, then up the stairs, across a hall and back until we ended up in a generic place, huffing, puffing and generally exhausted.

"...huff...no...more...puff...tickling...I surren...der..." I weakly raised my hands, falling to the carpeted ground, trying to crawl away from my tickler.

"Haha....that's...that's what you get..." Dan opts to lean heavily against a door, knees shaking as he extends a hand. "Truce...?"

I just nodded my head, shaking his hand, too tired to form anymore words. I sat across from Dan, looking around to see where we ended up.

The Wave Prince, having formed a truce with the Sun Warrior so they could get out of the labyrinth that had swallowed them whole, surveys his surroundings warily. Anything could be around in deadly corridors.

There were rows of similar looking wooden doors on both sides of the corridor they ended up in. What was inside them he wondered, eyeing them just in case a monster decided to pop out from inside.

Perhaps, just perhaps, they had arrived at the Corridor of Monsters?

At the end of the hall, there was a single door, dim light shining underneath it.

The Prince paled.

Oh no, he thought.

"Where is this place...?" I heard Dan ask me as he looked around curiously. I snagged his hand and started pulling him away.

"Wha-oi Arius what's gotten into you?!"

"Nothing! It's just-!"

Dan yanked his hand out of mine mid-sentance and the sudden lack of weight made me fall flat on my face.

"Arius!" The other boy practically threw himself beside me, helping me sit up. "Holy Genesis, are you okay?! I didn't mean to do that!"

"I think my nose is broken." I muttered, rubbing my cheeks.

"That's not your nose."

"Still my face."



That was the sound of the door at the end of the hall way opening.

Oh no.

The cursed princess!


(A/N: Yay I managed to churn out a chapter.

...Sorry it's kinda short.

Hope you enjoyed regardless, and have a nice day!

Character sheets for Arius and Dan in the next chapter.)

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