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Right away I knew I was going to have one of my days. One of my days where nothing could cheer me up. No matter how hard anyone tried.

At least I didn't have work today. At some point mom comes to get me up and I try but I can't find the strength to.

She leaves lunch on my bedside table but it stays untouched. At some point my phone rings and I ignore it. But it rings again. And again.

I finally decide to pick it up. "Hello?" I ask.

"Tyler, I'm sorry I called much but we need you. The guys are killing us." Devyn says through the phone.

"What's happening?"I ask sitting up. "Nothing just then being their crazy selves." She says.

"You really need me?" I ask.

"Yes." And then "Corey!" She yells and I give a small smile.

"Okay, I'll be that  in ten." I say and she thanks me hanging up. I find the strength to get up and get dressed in a hoodie and jeans. I brush my hair and teeth but don't bother showering or eating.

Moms gone for work so I leave a note saying I'm at a friends and take off on my dying skateboard.

I get their in the span of 15 minutes with my old ass skateboard. When I get to their house I knock but no one answers so I just walk in.

The first thing I see is Jake in one is those tiny fake cars coming down the stairs. He doesn't notice me as he crashes down the stairs and the car flips.

He holds himself muttering "My balls, my balls" A laugh escapes me and Jakes head whips to look at me.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming over." He says his hair all in his face. "Kat and Devyn invited me." I say.

"Good, I need someone to film for me." He says. "I am offended. You only want me around to film for you." I say.

"What else?" He says. "I'm kidding. You're quite fun to hang with." He says .

"Yeah, yeah" I say. "Where are Kat and Devyn?" I ask him. "I'm not sure, last time I checked they're in the garage." He points.

"Okay, I'll be back to help you film." I say. "You don't actually have to." He calls. "I want to." It will help distract me.

"Hello bitches." I say seeing Kat and Devyn talking on the couch in their big garage. "Tyler, you're finally here." Kat says.

"Sam and Colby were in here five seconds ago begging us to get them McDonald's." Devyn explains.

"Well, I'm here now and I'll chase them off." I say and they laugh.

"Okay so first of all. We never asked last night. How was your date with Jake?" Kat asks.

"Good. I had a lot of fun. He's really sweet too. Some fans came up to us and he gave them his sweatshirt because they couldn't afford any of his merch."
I say.

"Yup, that's Jake." Devyn says.

"Hey, we were wondering if you wanted to have like a sleepover this weekend." Kat says.

"Yeah, I don't have any plans and I really like you guys so." They laugh. "We like love you already."
Kat says.

"Fuck!" We hear someone scream.

We all look up. "Aaron." Devyn and Kat say laughing. "What is he doing?" I ask.

"Playing FortNite." Jake walks into the garage and plops down on a bean bag. "Oh, make sense." I say and they all nod.

Live~ Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now